sudo systemctl start wol.service. And that's it. WakeOnLAN is now available for the LAN interface. You can wake that server without having to trudge all the way to your data center. Just remember, you have to know the MAC address of the target LAN interface, you cannot do this via IP address. Happy waking.
The steps for preparing Ubuntu for WoL are as follows: Install ethtool with: sudo apt-get install ethtool - Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS already has this installed; Run:ifconfig to get the name of your network interface. Its worth noting here that all the guides I found say that "your network interface is most likely eth0". The thing is, that ...
sudo ethtool -s enp1s0 wol g and then. sudo ethtool enp1s0 I get. Supports Wake-on: pumbg Wake-on: g If I then switch off PC2, WOL works as expected (but this, of course, is only 'one-time'). If I put the line sudo ethtool -s enp1s0 wol g in a startup script or a shutdown script that I have on PC2 (both run with sudo permissions) then WOL doesn ...
How to enable WakeonLanonUbuntu18.04 LTS? I tried what's in this question: How to enable WakeOnLan (WOL) in Ubuntu 16.04 But it did'nt work. Thanks in advance... Edit: Optiplex model is 5050
How to enable WakeOnLan (WOL) in Ubuntu 16.04. 9. Wake-on-LAN quit working with latest kernel (Bionic) 7. Wake-on-lan under Ubuntu 12.04. 1. WakeOnLan Remote Times Out 18.04. Related. 2. WakeonLAN with MAAS stuck in commissioning (does not turn on the machine) 8. WakeOnLan not working. 9.