1. Mitja Velikonja

    Slovenian academic

    Mitja Velikonja is a Slovenian cultural studies academic and professor at the University of Ljubljana where he is head of the Center for Cultural and Religious Studies. His book Post-Socialist Political Graffiti in the Balkans and Central Europe received the prize for one of the highest annual accomplishments of the University of Ljubljana in 2020. His other books include "Masade duha", "Bosanski religijski mozaiki", "Mitografije sedanjosti", "Religious Separation and Political Intolerance in Bosnia-Herzegovina" and "Evroza. Kritika novega evrocentrizma". Velikonja was a visiting professor at multiple institutions which include Jagiellonian University, Columbia University, University of Rijeka, New York Institute in Sanint Petersburg, Yale University. He was a Fulbright visiting researcher in Rosemont College in Philadelphia, visiting researcher at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study and at the Remarque Institute. Wikipedia

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  3. scholar.google.com

    Mitja Velikonja. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences. Verified email at fdv.uni-lj.si. cultural studies nostalgia Balkan studies graffiti visual culture. Articles Cited by Co-authors. Title. Sort. Sort by citations Sort by year Sort by title. Cited by. Cited by. Year;
  4. fdv.uni-lj.si

    Dr. Mitja Velikonja, Professor General Information Video CV Bibliography Links. Dr. Mitja Velikonja, Professor ... Dr. Mitja Velikonja, Professor Chair of Cultural Studies; Contact: Phone: +386 1 58 05 299 Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@ajnokilev.ajtim: Office Hours: Room: BP 20 ...
  5. fdv.uni-lj.si

    prof. dr. Mitja Velikonja, visokošolski učitelj. Katedra za kulturologijo; Kontaktne informacije: Službeni telefon: 01/ 5805-299 Email: is.jl-inu.vdf@ajnokilev.ajtim: Govorilne in uradne ure: Do preklica bodo govorilne ure preko elektronske pošte. ...
  6. doppelhouse.com

    Mitja Velikonja is the author and coauthor of eight books. He is a Professor for Cultural Studies and head of Center for Cultural and Religious Studies at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia and has recently been a full-time visiting professor in Krakow, St. Petersburg, Rijeka, at Columbia University in New York and Yale University as well as Fulbright visiting researcher in Philadelphia, The ...
  7. encyclopedia.com

    Mitja Velikonja told CA: "The main topics of my research are related to mentality changes in post-socialist societies. Currently I am working on the phenomenon of nostalgia for socialism, which is quite curious and unexpected. My previous research included analysis of national mythologies, religious and cultural dynamics, and subcultural ...
  8. Velikonja, Mitja. Publication date 2003 Topics Religion and state -- Bosnia and Hercegovina -- History, Ethnicity -- Bosnia and Hercegovina -- History, Ethnicity -- Religious aspects -- History, Bosnia and Hercegovina -- Religion Publisher College Station : Texas A&M University Press
  9. theothereurope.yale.edu

    Dr. Mitja Velikonja is a Professor for Cultural Studies and head of Center for Cultural and Religious Studies at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Main areas of his research include Central-European and Balkan political ideologies, subcultures and graffiti culture, collective memory and post-socialist nostalgia. ...
  10. yuhistorija.com

    Dr. Mitja Velikonja is a Professor for Cultural Studies and head of Center for Cultural and Religious Studies at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Main areas of his research include Central-European and Balkan political ideologies, subcultures and graffiti culture, collective memory and post-socialist nostalgia. ...
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