More ImagesLucius Verginius Rufus
Lucius Verginius Rufus was a Roman commander of Germania Superior during the late 1st century. He was three times consul. He was born near Comum, the birthplace of both Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger. Verginius Rufus was born in Northern Italy as a member of an equestrian family. He became consul in 63 under the emperor Nero. After his consulship, Verginius Rufus was made governor of Germania Superior. When Gaius Iulius Vindex revolted against Nero in 67, Verginius Rufus led an army against him and defeated the rebel in 68 near modern-day Besançon. After Nero's fall, the legions under Verginius Rufus hailed him as emperor in preference to Servius Sulpicius Galba, but Verginius Rufus refused to accept the purple. After the death of Otho in April 69, the soldiers again offered the throne to Verginius, but he again refused it. Verginius retreated to an estate at Alsium on the coast of Etruria northwest of Rome. There he studied, composed poems, and had a literary salon. Wikipedia