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    Stanislav Vinaver

    Serbian writer

    Stanislav Vinaver was a Serbian writer, poet, translator and journalist. Vinaver was born to affluent Ashkenazi Jewish parents that had immigrated to Serbia from Poland in the late 19th century. He studied at the University of Paris, volunteered to fight in the Balkan Wars and later took part in World War I as an officer in the Royal Serbian Army. In 1915, he lost his father to typhus. He travelled to France and the United Kingdom the following year, delivering lectures about Serbia and its people. In 1917, he was assigned to the Serbian consulate in Petrograd, where he was to witness the Russian Revolution and its aftermath. Following World War I, Vinaver briefly worked for the Ministry of Education of the newly created Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. In the 1930s, he worked for Radio Belgrade and was appointed chief of Yugoslavia's central press bureau. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Stanislav Vinaver (Serbian Cyrillic: Станислав Винавер; 1 March 1891 - 1 August 1955) was a Serbian writer, poet, translator and journalist.Vinaver was born to affluent Ashkenazi Jewish parents that had immigrated to Serbia from Poland in the late 19th century. He studied at the University of Paris, volunteered to fight in the Balkan Wars and later took part in World War I as ...
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  4. sr.wikipedia.org

    Винавер је рођен у угледној јеврејској породици. Отац Аврам Јосиф Винавер био је лекар, а мајка Ружа пијанисткиња. Основну школу завршио је у Шапцу. Гимназијско образовање ја започео у Шабачкој гимназији из које је ...
  5. poezijasustine.rs

    Станислав Винавер¹, књижевник и преводилац, рођен је у Шапцу, 1. марта 1891. године, у угледној јеврејској породици.Отац Јосиф, лекар, умро је као санитетски мајор од маларије у Ђевђелији 1915. године, после прележаног ...
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  7. sr.wikipedia.org

    Stanislav Vinaver je uložio veliku energiju i pokazao znatnu inicijativu u radu, dnevno pišući raznim redakcijama i istaknutim pojedincima lična pisma u kojima je pobijao navode bugarske propagande. [8] I pored posvećenosti stručnim poslovima, ubrzo je došao u sukob sa Jovanom T. Markovićem, bivšim pomoćnikom ministra inostranih dela ...
  8. biografija.org

    Stanislav Vinaver je rođen 1891. godine u uglednoj jevrejskoj porodici. Njegov otac zvao se Josif, po zanimanju je bio ljekar. Otac mu je umro od malarije 1915. godine. Njegova majka zvala se Ruža i bila je pijanistkinja. Priređivala je koncerte, kako javne, tako i u kućnoj atmosferi, često uključujući poznate muzičare.
  9. istorijskizabavnik.rs

    Stanislav Vinaver je ostavio veliki trag u srpskoj kulturi, pre svega kao osnivač ekspresionizma i veliki borac za ukidanje dogmi koje su vladale u doba socrealističkog jednoumlja. Imao je bogatu novinarsku karijeru, preveo je neke od najpopularnijih knjiga, bio veliki rodoljub i omiljeni član beogradskih intelektualnih krugova.
  10. Stanislav Vinaver (Serbian Cyrillic: Станислав Винавер; 1 March 1891 - 1 August 1955) was a Serbian writer, poet, translator and journalist. Vinaver was born to affluent Ashkenazi Jewish parents that had immigrated to Serbia from Poland in the late 19th century. He studied at the University of Paris, volunteered to fight in ...
  11. goodreads.com

    Stanislav Vinaver was a Serbian literate and interpreter. As a poet and essay writer, Vinaver was a leader of expressionists movement as well as the author of "Manifest of expressionism", strongly pleading for abandoning traditional artistic expression, disclaiming routine "patriotic canons" established by honourable literate critics Jovan Skerlić and Bogdan Popović.
  12. avantgarde-museum.com

    Stanislav Vinaver (1891-1955) was a man of letters from Serbia. He was born on March 1st 1891, in Šabac, Serbia, to a well-to-do Jewish family. His father Josif, was a physician and his mother Ruža, a pianist. Vinaver finished elementary school in Šabac, attended high school in both Šabac and Belgrade, and studied mathematics and physics ...
  13. sh.wikipedia.org

    Erudita, književnik i prevodilac Stanislav Vinaver, rođen je 1. marta 1891. godine u Šapcu u uglednoj jevrejskoj porodici. Otac Avram Josif Vinaver bio je lekar, a majka Ruža pijanistkinja. Osnovnu školu završio je u Šapcu, gimnaziju je učio u Šapcu i Beogradu, a na pariskoj Sorboni studirao je matematiku i fiziku.Već tada postaje sledbenik filozofskih ideja Anrija Bergsona, a već ...

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