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Data Management Plan Checklist; Documentation & Metadata. Documentation. Documentation gives data context and meaning through the inclusion of metadata and supplementary files. Proper documentation should include descriptions of the research workflow, decisions made during the research process, and how the data has been manipulated. ...
Data organization refers to the methods by which a researcher stores and classifies data digitally. Oftentimes, data organization is dictated through standards, which are issued at local, disciplinary, and international levels.Using standards to guide data organization practices can save time coming up with and documenting organizational choices and will ultimately make data more reusable to ...
Data collection can be a good introduction to a DMP. In this portion, the nature of the research project and data are described. The following information should be included: Description of project and its purpose; Whether the project will produce data or use existing data; What types of data will be collected and what that data describes
Preservation & Sharing
Data Management Plan Checklist; Preservation & Sharing. Preservation & Sharing. One of the major portions of the DMP should be about the long-term preservation of the data and how it will be shared with others. Unclassified, publicly releasable research data supported by DoD funding should be stored in such a way that it is publicly accessible ...
Storage, Security, & Ethics
Data Management Plan Checklist; Storage & Security. Storage & Security. Maintaining your data safely and securely is of upmost importance in this work environment. While academic DMPs tend to place more emphasis on the long-term storage of data, your DMP will need to note how data will be stored while being collected and manipulated. The ...
Data Management Toolkit
The first step towards better management is the creation of a Data Management Plan (DMP). A DMP is a brief document that outlines how you plan to document, organize, and store your data during the research phase and once a project is completed. Your DMP will include information on how you will collect, organize, manage, store, secure, backup ...