The West Indies Federation, also known as the West Indies, the Federation of the West Indies or the West Indian Federation, was a short-lived political union that existed from 3 January 1958 to 31 May 1962. Various islands in the Caribbean that were part of the British Empire, including Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, and those on the Leeward and Windward Islands, came together to form the Federation, with its capital in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. The expressed intention of the Federation was to create a political unit that would become independent from Britain as a single state – possibly similar to Canada, the Federation of Australia, or the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland. Before that could happen, the Federation collapsed due to internal political conflicts over how it would be governed or function viably. The formation of a West Indian Federation was encouraged by the United Kingdom, but also requested by pan-Caribbean nationalists.Wikipedia
The WestIndiesFederation, [2] [3] also known as the WestIndies, [4] [5] the Federation of the WestIndies [6] or the West Indian Federation, [7] [8] [9] was a short-lived political union that existed from 3 January 1958 to 31 May 1962. Various islands in the Caribbean that were part of the British Empire, including Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Jamaica, and those on the Leeward and ...
Learn about the history and features of the WestIndiesFederation, a political union of ten Caribbean territories established in 1958 and dissolved in 1962. Find out the challenges, achievements and controversies of this short-lived experiment in regional integration.
Learn about the short-lived political union of Caribbean islands that aimed to become independent from Britain, but collapsed due to internal conflicts. Explore the history, population, government, and problems of the WestIndiesFederation.
Learn about the history and features of the WestIndiesFederation, a short-lived attempt to create a political union of British Caribbean colonies in 1958. Find out why it failed and what were its implications for the region's decolonization and nationhood.
Other articles where WestIndiesFederation is discussed: Dominica: The French and British colonial period: In 1958 Dominica joined the WestIndiesFederation. After that organization was dissolved in 1962, discussions for alternative forms of federation took place. Those issues were settled when the British government passed the WestIndies Act of 1967, which gave Dominica the status of ...
The establishment of the Federation of the WestIndies is the most important event in the history of these territories since their emancipation from slavery in 1833. It signifies that a new nation ...
Learn about the short-lived experiment of confederation in the British WestIndies, which aimed to prepare the region for independence. Find out why Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and Barbados left the federation and became independent countries.
Aug 6, 2023Amid growing disarray and discontent, the WestIndiesFederation faced its first serious test in 1961 when Jamaica held a referendum to determine whether to remain a part of the federation or seek independence. The majority of Jamaicans voted to leave the federation, signalling the beginning of the end for the ambitious project. ...
An article that analyzes the causes and consequences of the dissolution of the WestIndiesFederation in 1962. It examines the challenges of federalism, nationalism, and colonialism in the Caribbean region.
WestIndiesFederation. Founded in 1958, the WestIndiesFederation comprised the territories of Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent, and Trinidad and Tobago. It was established by the British Caribbean Federation Act of 1956 with the aim of establishing a ...
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