1. hkupress.hku.hk

  2. webofproceedings.org

    3. The Application of Chinese Traditional Cultural Elements in Modern Commercial Advertising 3.1. Chinese Character Elements . Chinese characters, as one of the oldest characters in the world, embody the wisdom of the Chinese nation from inscriptions on oracle bones and bronzes to modern simplified characters, and
  3. 在线阅读或从Z-Library免费下载书籍: 圖像與商業文化:分析中國近代廣告, 作者: 吳詠梅 / 李培德 編著, 出版社: 香港大學出版社, ISBN: 9789888208487, 年: 2014, 语言: Traditional chinese, 格式: PDF, 文件大小: 92.38 MB ... traditional chinese, 2014. 线上阅读
  4. hkupress.hku.hk

    有的發放廣告較多的外商不設廣告部,主要通過廣告代理商來管理其 廣告業務;也有的公司通過經銷商發佈廣告。 另一方面,在中國淪為半封建社會半殖民地的清朝末期,清廷主導的摹 習西歐列強的工業技術和商業模式,利用「官辦、官督商辦、官商合辦」等方
  5. atlantis-press.com

    This paper aims to solve the problem of the lack of traditional cultural features in modern commercial advertising. ... Chen Yi PY - 2018/09 DA - 2018/09 TI - The Elements of Chinese Traditional Culture Embodied in the Advertisement Design BT - Proceedings of the 2018 4th International Conference on Social Science and Higher Education (ICSSHE ...
    Author:Chen YiPublished:2018
  6. The conclusion is that traditional cultural elements are rooted in the deep cultural soil of China, which has its own unique personality and connotation, and can bring more inspiration and creativity to modern advertising design and allow advertising design works to highlight the sense of the times on the basis of returning to the tradition ...
  7. cmsw.mit.edu

    Jing Wang. Professor Jing Wang, S. C. Fang Professor of Chinese Language and Culture, recently passed away at the age of 71.She was the founder and director of MIT New Media Action Lab and served as the Chair of the International Advisory Board for Creative Commons China. Wang is a recipient of the Overseas Distinguished Professor Award, given by China's Ministry of Education.
  8. timeshighereducation.com

    Jing Wang is professor of Chinese Cultural Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Her first book was an erudite study of the lore of stones in Chinese culture as reflected in traditional works of fiction such as the great 18th-century novel Dream of the Red Chamber.She has also written on avant-garde fiction, on film and on popular culture in contemporary China.
  9. onlinelibrary.wiley.com

    This study found that the most dominant value themes in the Chinese commercials were product quality/effectiveness, family, modernity, beauty/youth, and pleasure indicating the prevalence of utilitarian values and the coexistence of both traditional and modern values in the world of Chinese advertising. Value themes identified in this study are ...

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