1. what-europe-does-for-me.europarl.europa.eu

    With 1.3 million inhabitants, the Central Denmark Region (known in Danish as Midtjylland) is the second largest in the country. It accounts for one third of the farmland in Denmark, as well as one third of the country's livestock production. Food and the bio-economy are major focuses for growth in the region.
  2. Region Midtjylland, Aarhus Universitet, VIA University College og de 19 midtjyske kommuner har et fælles EU-kontor i Bruxelles: Central Denmark EU Office (CDEU). CDEU samarbejder med kommunerne, private virksomheder, forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner og kulturinstitutioner i Region Midtjylland om at få det bedste udbytte af det ...
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  4. en.wikipedia.org

    DK-82 [3] HDI (2022) 0.948 [4] very high · 2nd of 5: Website: www.rm.dk: The Central Denmark Region (Danish: Region Midtjylland), or more directly translated as the Central Jutland Region [5] ... The five regions of Denmark each have a regional council of 41 members. These are elected every four years, during the local elections. ...
  5. centraldenmark.eu



    Central Denmark arbejder for aktører i Midtjylland i relation til EU systemet. Vi arbejder ud af Bruxelles og besøger med jævne mellemrum Midtjylland. ... Circular Economy Beyond Waste Vil understøtte omstillingen til cirkulær økonomi i hele Danmark DIGI-LINGO Virtuel udveksling skal ... Female entrepreneurs went to Brussels to inspire ...
  6. Regional development in the Central Denmark Region Central Denmark Region strives to ensure a good life for all 1.3 million citizens. Our ambition is to be an attractive and sustainable region and we wish to contribute to and promote sustainable solutions to major challenges both nationally and globally.
  7. Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) er den største europæiske interesseorganisation for lokale og regionale myndigheder.Organisationen arbejder for et Europa baseret på lokalt og regionalt selvstyre. Danske Regioner interessevaretager sammen med CEMR direkte i forhold til relevant EU-lovgivning.
  8. Central Denmark Region is one of five regions in Denmark. Denmark is organised at three political and administrative levels: the national (government), the regional (5 regions) and the municipal level (98 municipalities). Each region is led by a Regional Council, consisting of 41 politicians elected every four years.
  9. Region Midtjylland arbejder i 2023-2025 på en ny regional udviklingsstrategi. Midtjylland står over for en række store og "vilde" problemer. Mange problemer deler vi med resten af Danmark og med resten af verden. Fælles for udfordringerne er, at ingen kan løse dem alene.
  10. centraldenmark.eu

    Hvem er vi? Central Denmark EU Office, eller CDEU, er hele Midtjyllands kontor i EU. Vi er ejet af Region Midtjylland, de 19 kommuner i regionen, Aarhus Universitet samt VIA University College, og vi arbejder hver dag for, at vores samarbejdspartnere får så stor værdi af det europæiske samarbejde som muligt.
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    Central Denmark Region

    Administrative region of Denmark

    The Central Denmark Region, or more directly translated as the Central Jutland Region and sometimes simply Mid-Jutland, is an administrative region of Denmark established on 1 January 2007 as part of the 2007 Danish municipal reform. The reform abolished the traditional counties and replaced them with five new administrative regions. At the same time, smaller municipalities were merged into larger units, cutting the total number of municipalities from 271 to 98. The reform diminished the power of the regional level dramatically in favour of the local level and the national government in Copenhagen. The Central Denmark Region comprises 19 municipalities. Wikipedia

    Largest cityAarhus
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