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  2. openlibrary.org

    Oct 17, 2023Notes Towards the Definition of Culture by T. S. Eliot, 1961, Rowohlt Verlag edition, Paperback in German / Deutsch ... V. ÜBER KULTUR UND POLITIK. Page 93. VI. ÜBER BILDUNG UND KULTUR, SCHLUSSBEMERKUNG. Page 107. ANHANG: DIE EINHEIT DER EUROPÄISCHEN KULTUR. Page 125. ÜBER DEN VERFASSER. Page 145.
  3. openlibrary.org

    Kultur- und Sozialkritik bei T. S. Eliot by Klaus Habedank, 1974, Lüdke edition, in German / Deutsch. It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥. Čeština (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) ... Kultur- und Sozialkritik bei T. S. Eliot eine Untersuchung d. Werke Eliots 1909-39 by Klaus Habedank. 0 Ratings
  4. openlibrary.org

    In this essay, Mr. Eliot examines different uses of the word 'culture' and discusses the social, regional and religious conditions which can provide a suitable environment for the development of this particular aspect of civilisation.
  5. openlibrary.org

    In this essay, Mr. Eliot examines different uses of the word 'culture' and discusses the social, regional and religious conditions which can provide a suitable environment for the development of this particular aspect of civilisation.
    Author:T. S. EliotPublished:1948
  6. openlibrary.org

    Notes towards the definition of culture by T. S. Eliot, 1962, Faber and Faber edition, in English ... It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥. Čeština (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) Español (es) Français (fr) Hrvatski (hr) Italiano (it) Português (pt) తెలుగు (te) Українська (uk) 中文 (zh) My Books. Browse Menu ...
  7. openlibrary.org

    Sep 16, 2024S[tearns]. Eliot was an American poet, playwright, and literary critic, arguably the most important English-language poet of the 20th century.[3] His first notable publication, The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, begun in February 1910 and published in Chicago in June 1915, is regarded as a masterpiece of the modernist movement.[4]
  8. openlibrary.org

    Dec 12, 2023Along with Pound, Joyce, and Woolf, he helped give birth to modernism in literature, but then later in his career he abandoned it. From this biography -- the first authoritative, comprehensive life of Eliot ever published -- we can at last understand the relationship of Eliot's life and work, the better to appreciate his artistic achievement.
  9. openlibrary.org

    Aug 12, 2024Zwischen Inszenierung und Botschaft by Ilse Nagelschmidt, 2006, Frank & Timme edition, in German / Deutsch. It looks like you're offline. Donate ♥. Čeština (cs) Deutsch (de) English (en) ... zur Literatur deutschsprachiger Autorinnen ab Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts by Ilse Nagelschmidt. 0 Ratings

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