1. en.wikipedia.org

    Ise City Hall. Ise (Japanese: 伊勢市, Hepburn: Ise-shi), formerly called Ujiyamada (宇治山田), is a city in central Mie Prefecture, on the island of Honshū, Japan.Ise is home to Ise Grand Shrine, the most sacred Shintō shrine in Japan. The city has a long-standing title - Shinto (神都) - that roughly means "the Holy City", and literally means "the Capital of the Kami". [1]
  2. ja.wikipedia.org

    外山秀一「現代に回生する鳥居前町 伊勢市」『近畿 i 地図で読む百年 京都・滋賀・奈良・三重』(平岡昭利・野間晴雄 編、古今書院、2006年、isbn 4-7722-3053-x)121-124頁; 橋爪紳也『人生は博覧会 日本ランカイ屋列伝』晶文社、2001年5月30日、284pp. isbn 4-7949-6489-7
  3. en.ise-kanko.jp

    In the midst of the corona wreck, the environment surrounding the world continues to be extremely harsh.The website of the Ise City Tourism Association is a website that strongly conveys the culture and charm of "Ise," which is the source of the Japanese spirit, and allows us to reaffirm our pride as a Japanese.Ise is a town with a Jingu."Beautiful Japanese heart" is the sacred atmosphere and ...
  4. japan.travel

    神道教是日本本土宗教,伊勢神宮 由 125 座神社組成,其中包括主殿的內宮和外宮。 內宮是最神聖的地方,供奉著被喻為太陽神的天照大神。你可以一天之內走完伊勢神宮及周邊地區,但兩日一夜可以讓你更悠閒地遊覽。
  5. tripadvisor.jp

    伊勢市, 三重県 古くからお伊勢さんの名で親しまれる伊勢神宮は、今でも多くの参拝客が訪れる日本人の心のふるさと。 おはらい町やおかげ横丁には飲食店やおみやげ店が賑やかに並び、どこか懐かしい町並みを散策しながら伊勢の名物を堪能できます。
  6. japan.travel

    神道教是日本的本土宗教,伊勢神宮神社 共由 125 座神社組成,包括主要的神宮內宮和外宮。 供奉著天照大神的內宮,更是此處最神聖的地方,被比作像是太陽的神靈。雖然一天就能參觀完伊勢神宮及周邊地區,但若可以在此過夜,就可以更悠閒地盡情探索。
  7. pref.mie.lg.jp

    Since Ise and Kumano, two major spiritual sites from which Japanese spiritual culture has originated, are situated in Mie Prefecture, Mie has always been closely connected to the central government, and has flourished as a key land and water transportation hub, having a number of main roads and one of the three major ancient ports (known as Nihon Sanshin) of Japan, Anotsu.
  8. japan.travel

  9. ja.wikivoyage.org

  10. city.ise.mie.jp



    令和6年12月23日 伊勢市地域経済循環創造事業補助金の対象事業の募集を開始しました; 令和6年12月19日 第54回伊勢市小学生交通安全ポスターコンクールの作品を募集します; 令和6年12月5日 要約筆記体験講座の受講生を募集します

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    Ise, Mie

    City in Mie prefecture, Japan

    Ise, formerly called Ujiyamada, is a city in central Mie Prefecture, on the island of Honshū, Japan. Ise is home to Ise Grand Shrine, the most sacred Shintō shrine in Japan. The city has a long-standing title – Shinto – that roughly means "the Holy City", and literally means "the Capital of the Kami". As of 31 July 2021, the city had an estimated population of 123,533 in 55,911 households and a population density of 590 people per km². The total area of the city is 208.53 square kilometres. Wikipedia

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