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  2. Dec 31, 2023Suomi; English; kemijarvi.fi. ... Kaupunkikeskustaa ympäröivät Kemijärvi, Pöyliöjärvi, ja Suomen suurin joki Kemijoki sekä kymmenet vaaranselät, jotka tuovat kaupungin kuvaan suurta avaruutta. Kemijärven pinta-ala on 3 931,15 km², josta vesialuetta on 426,78 km².
  3. Dec 31, 2023The surface area of Lake Kemijärvi is 3 931.15 km², of which 426.78 km² is water. Our town is a versatile centre of services and culture: a spa - swimming pool, cultural centre, music academy, 200 km of snowmobile trails, 80 km of marked water routes and five nearby fells (Pyhä, Luosto, Suomu, Salla and Ruka).
  4. kemijarvi.fi. Avaa valikko Sulje valikko ... Kaupunki ja hallinto; Tervetuloa kaupunkiin, joka tekee luonnostaan onnelliseksi! Kemijärvi on reipas, Lapin talven lailla raikas ja virkistävä kaupunki, jonka kirkkaista vesistä heijastuu ilo. Löydä järvikaupungin rentous keskeltä Lapin upeimpia tunturikeskuksia.
  5. In the 1920s, plans for a township in Kemijärvi began, but the project was interrupted by the Second World War. In the 1939-1945 wars, about 70% of the buildings in the area were destroyed. The post-war reconstruction until the second half of the 1950s and the construction of the Kemijoki power plant brought jobs, population and prosperity.
  6. Apr 29, 2024kemijarvi.fi. Open menu Close menu . Housing and environment; Education and training; Leisure and tourism; Work and entrepreneurship; Well-being and health; City and administration; Welcome to the city, that makes you naturally happy! Kemijärvi is a lively, refreshing town, fresh as a Lapland winter, with clear waters that reflect joy ...
  7. Suomi kuului Ruotsin valtakuntaan vuoteen1809 asti, jolloin Ruotsi luovutti Suomen Venäjälle. ... Kemijärvi oli jo varhain tunnettu kauppapaikka. 1600-luvulla tärkein kauppatavara oli kapahauki eli kuivattu hauki ja 1700-luvulla voi. ... Itä-Lappi talvi- ja jatkosodassa esite; Kaupunki ja hallinto.
  8. The Kemijärvi Map Service is a public information server where you can view maps, aerial photographs and various destination information. You can find real estate, buildings and addresses, for example. You can also print maps and measure distances and areas. For any questions regarding the map service, please contact maankaytto@kemijarvi.fi.
  9. Management team City Mayor Facilities management enterprise History of Kemijärvi Twin town cities of Kemijärvi Job vacancies Open calls for tenders Participate and influence Disability council Council for the elderly Elections and voting Youth council Participatory budgeting Citizens' initiative Citizens' initiative and feedback
  10. Twin towns of Kemijärvi . The town of Vadsø is the administrative centre of Finnmark (Rijeka) in northern Norway, located on the northern shore of the Varangi Sound. Cooperation, which started in 1961, focuses on cultural exchange. Vuoreija is the northernmost fortified city in the world and the easternmost city in Norway. It is located in Finnmark County on the shores of the Arctic Ocean ...

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