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  2. visitkemijarvi.fi

    Camping Kemijärvi +358 45 258 3199: tmimarko.hameenniemi@gmail.com: Emma Uski, sihteeri: Arctic Circle Hotel +358 40 186 6053: emma.uski@arcticcirclehotel.com: Jenny Lahtela, varapuheenjohtaja: Suomun Mökit +358 400 358 557: info@suomunmokit.fi: Kari-Antti Virkkula, varsinainen jäsen: Santa´s Little Village +358 50 564 7962: kari-antti ...
  3. visitkemijarvi.fi

    Unique Reindeer Farm Step into the heritage of reindeer herding in Lapland. Nestled just 45 minutes from the center of Kemijärvi lies a traditional reindeer farm, Unique Reindeer Farm, where visitors can step into the authentic world of reindeer herding.With roots tracing back to the 19th century, this farm is a living testament to the enduring heritage of Lapland.
  4. visitkemijarvi.fi



    Uusi Kemijärvi News talvi-kevät 2025 on julkaistu ja vapaasti luettavissa tääll ... Leader Pohjoisin Lappi ja Yty-hanke kuntakierroksella. 23.02.2025 Helmikonsertti, pianisti Laura Mikkola ja viulisti Fredrika Mikkola ... Lisäinfoa www.itakairanpatsi.fi. Itäkairan Pätsi. X; Facebook; Instagram; Tripadvisor; kemijarvi.fi
  5. fintravelkemijarvi.visitkemijarvi.fi

    Kemijärvi on omalaatui-nen pikkukaupunki, jota suuret matkailijamassat eivät ole vielä löytäneet. Nimensä se on saanut rantojaan huuhtovalta järveltä. Vesi eri olomuotoineen hallitsee kaupunkia: kesällä kimaltaville aalloille pääsee heti keskustasta ja talvella lumi ja jää tuovat valoa ja avaruutta maisemaan.
  6. visitkemijarvi.fi

    Location and tourist attractions around Kemijärvi. Kemijärvi, Finland's northernmost town, is located in the eastern part of the province of Lapland, mainly north of the Arctic Circle. ... info@suomunmokit.fi: Kari-Antti Virkkula, member: Santa´s Little Village +358 50 564 7962: Mikko Kanerva, member: Jauri Resort +358 40 755 5267: Info.
  7. visitkemijarvi.fi

    There you will find Kemijärvi tourism brochures and maps. In addition, brochures are distributed at InfoPoint points in the city centre; in shops, ABC station, railway station, library and tourist businesses in the area. VISIT KEMIJÄRVI By phone, email and social media Mon-Fri 9-15.30. Tel +358(0) 40 189 2050, email. info.visit@kemijarvi.fi
  8. visitkemijarvi.fi

    Map of fells and national parks in the area around Kemijärvi Suomutunturi. Distance from Kemijärvi 45km. Suomu is a legendary fjord in the Kemijärvi region, in the Arctic Circle, with an excellent slope profile and a 409-metre summit. The history of the mountain resort dates back to the 1960s, when the first lift and café were opened on Suomu.
  9. visitkemijarvi.fi

    The popular tourist attraction Kotavaara observation tower is located 7 km from the centre of Kemijärvi. The climb is rewarded with a magnificent view of Kemijärvi and the Kemijoki River. To the north you can see Pyhätunturi (Pyhä-Luosto National Park) and to the east Suomutunturi. Drive E5 from Kemijärvi to Kuusamo direction.
  10. visitkemijarvi.fi

    The happiness of Kemijärvi lies in its pure nature, silence and everyday life, where you have time to focus on what matters most. Toes in the water at the dock, the gentle breeze of a canoe trip, a creaky snow under your skis or a steamy dip in the lake straight from the sauna - in Kemijärvi, happiness comes naturally.
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