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    Chronicle of Dalimil

    The Chronicle of Dalimil is the first chronicle written in the Old Czech language. It was composed in verse by an unknown author at the beginning of the 14th century. The Chronicle compiles information from older Czech chronicles written in Latin, and also the author's own experiences. The chronicle finishes before 1314, but it is usually published including the entries of later authors describing events up to 1319. There exist 14 manuscripts and fragments, with two different redactions. The Dalimil was translated three times into Middle High German, and once into Latin. Wikipedia

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  2. en.wikipedia.org

    Illustrated manuscript of a Latin translation of the Chronicle of Dalimil. The Chronicle of Dalimil (Czech: Dalimilova kronika; Kronika tak řečeného Dalimila) is the first chronicle written in the Old Czech language. [1] [2]It was composed in verse by an unknown author at the beginning of the 14th century. The Chronicle compiles information from older Czech chronicles written in Latin (like ...
  3. cs.wikipedia.org

    Dalimilova kronika (přesněji Kronika tak řečeného Dalimila) je nejstarší česky psaná veršovaná kronika, jedno ze stěžejních děl českého písemnictví.Pochází z počátku 14. století, záznamy končí rokem 1314, respektive s dodatky (nejspíše jiného autora) jsou dovedeny až do roku 1325.Podle svého nejdůležitějšího zdroje bývá označována též jako Kronika ...
  4. Dalimil Meziícky, fl. 1282-1314, supposed author; Flajhans, Václav, 1866-1950 Bookplateleaf 0003 Call number ABL-8065 Camera Canon 5D External-identifier urn:oclc:record:697611224 Foldoutcount 0 Identifier dalimilovakronik00dali Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t6j10mq6h ...
  5. Czech Chronicles - the Dalimil Chronicle. In the Czech corner we have the famous Dalimil Chronicle (Kronika Dalimila) which is, remarkably for those days, written in Czech (it was written about 1314-1319) and which for the first time in history mentions Lech and Czech in the same document (though not really - rather, "a lech named czech.").
  6. czech.mml.ox.ac.uk

    The old Czech text used in Porák's Chrestomatie is taken from the Cambridge MS O.7.38 'Bohemian Chronicle' (known in Czech as the Cambridgeský rukopis; see Dalimil - Editions for more information on the various manuscripts). The transliterated text is taken from Havránek and Daňhelka's (H&D) critical edition (1958).
  7. Dalimil happens to be rather more benevolent than most of his contemporaries in his judgments on the Jewish community, and also that he gives proof of feelings of genuine sympathy for other Slavic peoples, as well as for the Hungarian neighbours of Bohemia. Moreover, the present thesis lays emphasis on the need to take account of the role of ...
  8. Ve zhruba 4600 verších „Dalimil" vykládá eské dějiny od biblických poátků do roku 1314. V opisech je text rozdělen do více než sta kapitol, které jsou většinou nadepsané. Poet kapitol kolísá, zejména v novějších opisech i vydáních je místo obvyklých 103 kapitol 106.
  9. cs.wikisource.org

    Dalimil pozoruje a stopuje bedlivě zuřivý zápas, který od dávných dob vzplanul mezi živlem germánským a českým, který za jeho doby s nemenší prudkostí byl bojován. V boji tom právě za jeho času živel německý vniká do Čech a podporován panovníky z ohledů finančních, na. bývá tu půdy, zatlačuje český jazyk ...
  10. medieval_literature.en-academic.com

    The so-called Dalimil's Chronicle is the first verse chronicle in the Czech language, dating probably to the beginning of the 14th century. The name Dalimil is traditionally given to the author of this text, but it seems unlikely that any such person ever existed. Based largely on the 12th-century Latin Chronica bohemica (Bohemian Chronicle) by a canon named Cosmas, Dalimil's Chronicle ...
  11. The Chronicle of Dalimil and the Beginnings - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides an overview and analysis of the Chronicle of Dalimil, the first chronicle written in the Czech language in the early 14th century. It discusses the context in which it was written, its importance as the first work of historiography in Czech, and its ...

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