The essence of Ásatrú, the Aesir faith, is personal dignity and family honor. These principles are what the lore of Norse mythology and Eddic poetry teach the discerning student.
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If the Way of Ásatrú seems right for you, seek it out. Ásatrúar do not proselytize. We believe heathenry grows from the people and place where it resides.
A lecture series and discussion presented by the Ásatrú Society of America. Registration and study guide are both free to members. REGISTER HERE. Open Facebook in a new tab Open Twitter in a new tab Open Instagram in a new tab Open LinkedIn in a new tab Open Pinterest in a new tab ...
Welcome to the ÁSA Bookshop. The ÁSA receives 10% of all sales made through our online bookshop. We hope you will bookmark the ÁSA Bookshop link and make it your first choice for future book purchases.
Who We Are
The ÁSA was initially proposed at a meeting of North American Ásatrúar and specialists in Norse history and mythology in 2017. The intended purpose of the organization was not to create a formal "religious organization" but to create an institution serving the larger community of autonomous "pagans" and "heathens" pursuing a spiritual/philosophical path inspired by ancient ...
Membership in the Ásatrú Society of America. Currently, only those recognized as leaders (ON Goðar/"Gothar") by a local "heathen" organization or "kindred" are eligible for full membership in the ÁSA.Recognition by an organization or kindred is established by providing a signed, verifiable statement by no fewer than nine (9) individuals acknowledging the applicant's status as ...