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  2. profiles.ucalgary.ca

    As the managing partner for the EY energy and resources market segment, Lance's leadership responsibilities include oil and gas, power and utilities, and mining sectors across Canada. Lance supports the team in driving the growth of key client accounts. This is enabled by integrating EY offerings and go-to-market approach, deal strategies and ...
  3. profiles.ucalgary.ca

    The University of Calgary, located in the heart of Southern Alberta, both acknowledges and pays tribute to the traditional territories of the peoples of Treaty 7, which include the Blackfoot Confederacy (comprised of the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai First Nations), the Tsuut'ina First Nation, and the Stoney Nakoda (including Chiniki, Bearspaw, and Goodstoney First Nations).
  4. profiles.ucalgary.ca

    1 ANUP SRIVASTAVA anup.srivastava@ucalgary.ca WEBSITES Google Scholar, SSRN, University Homepage, HBR Articles EDITORIAL POSITIONS Editor for Contemporary Accounting Research and Accounting Horizons; Associate Editor for Management Science; Deputy editor-in-chief for Management and Business Review; Editorial board member for Accounting Theory and Practice.
  5. profiles.ucalgary.ca

    1 ANUP SRIVASTAVA anup.srivastava@ucalgary.ca WEBSITES Google Scholar, SSRN, University Homepage, HBR Articles ACADEMIC POSITIONS Haskayne School of Business, University of Calgary 2018 - Canada Research Chair (Accounting, Decision Making, and Capital Markets) and Ful Professor
  6. profiles.ucalgary.ca

    ßèx¯˜¢­èt\à³o¶ìñ » knöæ\VbA" ðXí ÑKWªë© Ê× U Àí ³8ÍÎÆä.!„³n¾P ö¸=f2 ¸8  Ù8󇢚m§{zi¬Ì!i Nd-µ õ³ÐÏ°íêÚFû y ÿ ÇKÓ£Våšš¶`Úb—$ Æ Ÿª]ö2hÿ2ÈŽó¤Œ àèÆ-"$ "ŠžbxR—ÐÃ6¬" ?+ð³9~ó|Pyó¶Ô¬æƒf-•³?¾ ò5ÄŒú"*6ž ¸ åÔ6âP wš€ ¹ oº £ª P2\Móì ...
  7. profiles.ucalgary.ca

    of N ew S ou th W ales, S y d n ey, A u stralia, S p rin g 2000. ¥ V isitin g S ch olar, Z en tru m f¬u r E u rop ¬aish e In tegration sforsch u n g (C en tre for E u rop ean In tegration S tu d ies),R h iein ish ch e F ried rich -W ilh em s-U n iversit¬at B on n (U n iversity of B on n ), S u m m er 1998.
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