Employment & Labour Law
Employment & Labour Laws and Regulations covering issues in Portugal of Terms and Conditions of Employment, Employee Representation and Industrial Relations ... To be lawful, the dismissal must comply with the applicable legal requirements (notably, regarding justification) and procedure, but it does not, as a rule, ...
Trade Marks
Only Portugal can be covered. 2.10 Who can own a trade mark in your jurisdiction? Any legal or natural person with legitimate interest can own a trade mark in Portugal. 2.11 Can a trade mark acquire distinctive character through use? Yes, a trade mark can acquire distinctive character through use.
Merger Control
As Portugal is a Member State of the European Union, mergers having effects in Portugal may be subject to Council Regulation (EC) 139/2004 of 20 January 2004 ("EC Merger Regulation") and to the exclusive jurisdiction of the European Commission where the relevant thresholds are met (see the European Union chapter in this guide).
Cartels & Leniency
The International Comparative Legal Guides and the International Business Reports are published by: Global Legal Group Our Company operates in 58 countries and I am responsible for providing guidance on the promotion of pharmaceutical products in every continent except Antarctica.
Competition Litigation
Portugal is an attractive jurisdiction for claimants within the private enforcement of infringements of competition law. The LPE implemented the Private Damages Directive and entered into force on 5 August 2018. It enacted a favourable legal regime for claimants.
Corporate Immigration
1.1 What are the main sources of immigration law in Portugal? The main sources of immigration law in Portugal are: European Union (EU) Directives (transposed into national law); EU Regulations; EU Agreements; and Portuguese Law, in particular, Law no. 23/2007, of 4 July, Decree Law no. 84/2007, of 5 November, Law no. 37/2006, of 9 August and the Portuguese Labour Code.