The Brazos River Authority › about-us › reservoirs › lake-limestone
Lake Regulations
Lake Limestone located in Limestone, Leon, and Robertson Counties with the boundary of the Lake defined by the 363-foot msl contour line. ... This includes areas over the water and land in proximity to any Dam structures under control of the Brazos River Authority. ... Pursuant to §31.127 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code and/or §51.128 of ...
Online Lake Map
Created by the Texas Legislature in 1929 specifically for the purpose of developing and managing the water resources of an entire river basin, the Brazos River Authority develops and distributes water supplies, provides water and wastewater treatment, monitors water quality, and pursues water conservation through public education programs.
Public Use Areas
Texas Clean Rivers Program. CRP Public Outreach; CRP Calendar of Events; Program Documents; Reports, Presentations, and Meeting Minutes ... From U.S. 79: F.M. 1146 N 6.7 miles; local road West 1.8 miles to East end of dam. On Lake Limestone. Brazos River Authority 20226 Sterling Robertson Dam Road Thornton, TX 76687 Telephone: (903)529-2141 ...
The elevation of Lake Limestone at capacity is 363 feet above mean sea level. The current lake elevation may be obtained by clicking on River and Reservoir Levels, choosing the lower basin area and clicking on the red dot labeled Lake Limestone. You may also receive lake level information by calling (903) 529-2141.
Lake Limestone offers some of the best fishing in Central Texas. Its flooded timber and abundance of aquatic vegetation offer cover for largemouth and white bass as well as crappie and catfish. Lake Limestone offers four parks with primitive camping and picnic facilities and four boat ramps for lake access.
Living Lakeside at Lake Limestone
Lake vs. Reservoir. The State of Texas has hundreds of water bodies - from small farm tanks to huge reservoirs - but within the state's 269,000 square mile area, there is only one naturally-formed lake - Caddo Lake on the Texas Louisiana border - the rest are man-made reservoirs.