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Fishing Lake Limestone - Texas Parks & Wildlife Department
Reservoir Controlling Authority. Brazos River Authority (BRA) Route 3, Box 89A Thornton, Texas 76687 ... Lake Limestone offers some of the best fishing of any central Texas lake. Because it is located off the beaten path, anglers will find they have little competition, particularly during the week. ...
Limestone Reservoir - 2020 Survey Report - Texas Parks & Wildlife ...
Limestone Reservoir is a 12,486-acre reservoir within the Navasota River system in Limestone, Robertson, and Leon Counties, Texas. Water level was 1-2 feet below conservation pool (363 feet above mean sea level [MSL]) during the 2020 vegetation, electrofishing, and trap net surveys and near conservation pool during the 2021 trap net and gill ...
Volumetric and Sedimentation Survey of Lake Limestone - Texas
1979). Lake Limestone is owned and operated by the Brazos River Authority (BRA, 2013a). The Texas Legislature created the Brazos River Authority in 1929, to "develop, manage, and protect the water resources of the Brazos River Basin" (BRA, 2013b). Lake Limestone is a water supply reservoir, providing water primarily for municipal