1. The overall forest management activity by the Licensee will maintain and improve the long term financial value of the Crown forest inventory. n Trees harvested from Crown forests will be used to provide maximum benefit to the people of New Brunswick. products which contribute to NB's economy. Economic value to New Brunswick industries will ...
  2. Sustainable forest management uses sound forest science, a world-class research network and modern processing facilities which has allowed New Brunswick to be one of the largest producers of sustainable wood products in the country. Learn more about how forest resources are managed sustainably through stewardship, adaptation, and innovation.
  3. A Forest Management Agreement (FMA) is a legal contract that sets out the responsibilities of the minister and the licensee for the sustainable management and use of Crown lands. It includes seven schedules (A to G) that detail all aspects of the FMA agreement: Schedule A - the Timber Berth (boundaries of the license area)
  4. New Brunswick Crown Forest Management: Putting Vegetation Management in Context NB Department of Energy and Resource Development 12 July 2018. New Brunswick ... New Brunswick Forest Ownership Area ('000 ha) % of Province Crown Land 3,085 50% Industrial Freehold 1,093 18% Private Woodlots 1,814 30% Federal 136 2%
  5. naturetrust.nb.ca

    A Crown forest advisory board that will involve experts representing the diversity of public values to guide the direction of forest management. If New Brunswick updates the province's forestry strategy separate from these other critical and related commitments, we risk a strategy that is patchy, ineffective and nothing more than a tree ...
  6. forestnb.com

    Forest NB is the voice of New Brunswick's forest and forest industry.We represent core contributors to the forestry sector by serving as a common voice in relations with government and the public. Our main duties include raising public awareness of sustainable forest management practices and providing a forum for the exchange of information, ideas and issues facing the sector and local ...
  7. conservationcouncil.ca

    Forest management in New Brunswick has long been contested terrain, but concerns may have reached a peak in 2014 when the government of New Brunswick announced a forest strategy and the unprecedented signing of contracts with forestry companies that guaranteed a supply of wood from Crown land.
  8. woodbusiness.ca

    Aug 31, 2023The New Brunswick government released a new forestry management strategy today that aims to restore balance and fulfill a commitment to achieve mutually beneficial outcomes for the environment, society and the economy through a focus on conservation, sustainable forest management principles, and economic development.
  9. laborelec.com

    In this framework, literature research was carried out to produce a summary of forest management in New Brunswick, including general condition, management and sustainability assessment. 2 New Brunswick forests overview 2.1 Location and distribution New Brunswick is the largest Maritime province of Canada.
  10. Tree species, size, quality, and quantity (volume); and broad forest types are included in the inventory. The provincial forest inventory is done on a 10-year cycle. Harvest, silvicultural and natural disturbance updates are added to the inventory annually to ensure the most current information is available.
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