Government of New Brunswick
https://www2.gnb.ca › content › gnb › en › departments › erd › forestry-conservation.html
Forest Management Manual for New Brunswick Crown Lands
The overall forest management activity by the Licensee will maintain and improve the long term financial value of the Crown forest inventory. n Trees harvested from Crown forests will be used to provide maximum benefit to the people of New Brunswick. products which contribute to NB's economy. Economic value to New Brunswick industries will ...
Crown Licenses and Forest Management Agreements - Government of New ...
A Forest Management Agreement (FMA) is a legal contract that sets out the responsibilities of the minister and the licensee for the sustainable management and use of Crown lands. It includes seven schedules (A to G) that detail all aspects of the FMA agreement: Schedule A - the Timber Berth (boundaries of the license area)
Long-term Planning - Government of New Brunswick
Prepared by Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs), forest management plans consider forest growth and changes up to 80 years into the future. Updated every 5 years, these detailed plans consider sustainable harvest levels, silviculture treatments, habitat for fish & wildlife, fire and insect protection, recreation, watershed protection, and ...