1. Sustainable forest management uses sound forest science, a world-class research network and modern processing facilities which has allowed New Brunswick to be one of the largest producers of sustainable wood products in the country. Learn more about how forest resources are managed sustainably through stewardship, adaptation, and innovation.
  2. Tree species, size, quality, and quantity (volume); and broad forest types are included in the inventory. The provincial forest inventory is done on a 10-year cycle. Harvest, silvicultural and natural disturbance updates are added to the inventory annually to ensure the most current information is available.
  3. In New Brunswick, budworm populations are tracked through numerous surveys annually. In the fall, the budworm hatch from eggs, crawl to a secure location on the branches of trees and spin a small web to protect them from the winter elements. ... The Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development (DNRED) has archived images of wall maps ...
  4. Students in the University of New Brunswick's (UNB) master of environmental management (MEM) program took part in work-integrated internships as part of their degree requirements. The internship is a new addition to the master's program—having only been a requirement for the past two years—but has proven to be a success. Full story
  5. mynewbrunswick.ca

    UNB's forestry department became a faculty in 1947 with Dr. J. Miles Gibson as its first dean. Between 1949 and 1950, UNB's forestry graduates exceeded 252 as returning servicemen availed of government-funded education programs. By 1947, the Forestry and Geology building at UNB had gained a third floor.
  6. 3 days agoDepartments: Forestry (1907-1954), Silviculture (1954-1975), Forest Utilization (1954-1975), Forest Management (1954-1975), Forest Engineering (1976-1995) Forest Resources (1976-1995) Notes: The year that a certain department was established can be a subjective figure. For the purpose of this wiki, the year that a department is considered first established is the first year it was listed in ...
  7. You will learn outdoors in our university's forests, including the 1,500-hectare University Forest near the Fredericton campus. You will also collaborate on projects with the scientists and managers at the nearby Atlantic Forestry Research Centre and at the headquarters of the New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources. Skills you will acquire
  8. The Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development is responsible for protecting and managing the forests, fish and wildlife of New Brunswick. ... We are working with partners, stakeholders and subject matter experts to continue shaping the future of New Brunswick's energy, mines, forestry, fish and wildlife sectors. ...
  9. forestnb.com

    The New Brunswick forest industry generated over $1.7 billion in economic impact in 2016. $3.2 billion direct OUTPUT $699 million direct GDP 9,725 direct JOBS $529 million ... Source: New Brunswick Department of Energy and Resource Development, 2018 - 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 $- $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 ...
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