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  2. ecab.planningportal.co.uk

    Procedure) (England) Order 2015 NOTICE UNDER ARTICLE 13 OF APPLICATION FOR PLANNING PERMISSION (Notice 1: This notice is to be printed and served on individuals if Certificate B or C is completed) Proposed development at: Name or flat number Property number or name. Street Locality. Town County. Postal town Postcode. Take notice that ...
  3. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk

    NOTICE 1 [ DIVISION] (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) of Solicitor for (1) Delete as appropriate To: • For all non-family certificates this notice must be served when first notifying a potential opponent of a proposed claim, Procedure Regulations, Regulation 38 (2)(a). In all other cases and subject to any pre-action protocol the notice need
  4. planningportal.co.uk

    Download Notice 2 for applications in Wales 5. A copy of the notice must also be sent with the application to the local authority. These notices can also be downloaded from the 'Supporting Docs' section of your proposal. Please see the Non-Material Amendments FAQ 6 for the Non-Material Amendments notice. https://ecab.planningportal.co.uk ...
  5. assets.publishing.service.gov.uk

    adjacent to the UK (with the exception of Scottish and Welsh controlled waters) and any area designated under section 1(7) of the Continental Shelf Act 1964. ... This document supersedes the previous Petroleum Operations Notice 1 (PON1) Guidance which was issued by the Department of Energy & Climate Change and is effective from the
  6. basingstoke.gov.uk

    1 of 2 NOTICE NO. 1 To be served on individuals if Certificate B or C is completed. Proposal to carry out work at (Address or location of building) Take notice that application is being (Applicant's name) made to Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council by for Planning Permission to: (Description of proposed development)
  7. Notice 1 - Travelling to the UK - HM Revenue & Customs. EN. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk ...
  8. officeforstudents.org.uk

    This version of Regulatory notice 1 replaces the version published on 28 February 2018 (OfS 2018.03). This new version applies in respect of applications for the approval of access and participation plans (and related matters) for the academic year commencing 2020-21 until it is revoked, varied or replaced. Introduction 1.
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