1. Mar 28, 2023Poland media guide. Published. 28 March 2023. Share. close panel. Share page. Copy link. About sharing. Image source, Getty Images. Poland's broadcasting market is the largest in Eastern and ...
  2. abyznewslinks.com

    Poland Newspapers and News Media Guide Home: Search ABYZ: Add Modify Link: News Resources: About ABYZ: Contact ABYZ Home> Europe> Eastern Europe> Poland Media Type BC-Broadcast IN-Internet MG-Magazine NP-Newspaper PA-Press Agency Media Focus BU-Business EN-Entertainment GI-General Interest SP-Sport SR-Satire Language
  3. media-ownership.eu

    The more recent contexts for Poland's media ownership include 1) market consolidation with the dominant role of TV and online media, 2) technological adaptation - towards digital media users' practices, 3) the rise of high-tech and data-driven media, and 4) the challenge of established media's organisational and management adaptation ...
  4. all4comms.com

    Mar 21, 2024Online media in Poland. 34. There is no denying the dominance of the Internet today. The press, radio, and even television in Poland have had to undergo a revolution and instead of fighting the enemy, they have made it their ally. Thus, most printed newspapers, television programs, news services, and radio programs are also available online. 35.
  5. 5 days agoIn November, viewers in Poland spent an average of 4 hours and 4 minutes in front of their TV screens, which is 20 minutes more per day than in October. Month-over-month, traditional TV viewing increased by 9%, and streaming increased by 14%. ... The Gauge™ was created to provide the media industry with a monthly analysis of television usage ...
  6. businessculture.org

    Social media guide for Poland. Social media usage in Poland has been on an upward trend in the last few years just like everywhere else. 54% of Polish adults (over 18 years old) use social media. The demographics show that social media is used by: 82% of respondents aged 18 to 24, 47% of respondents aged 35 to 64 and 30% among respondents aged ...
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