DDoSattacks are now a standard part of the threat landscape in the Middle East and technology leaders need to recognize this reality. Here are some tips on how protect your organisation from DDoS ...
Jun 12, 2023"For the first time, attack volume in EMEA exceeded those in the US, surging by 212% of three years' averages. Seven out of the top 10 biggest DDoSattacks ever took place in the last 24 months.
2021 was another record year for global DDoSattacks. At 9.84 million, the number was lower than the 10.1 million attacks in 2020 but still represented a 14 percent increase over the 2019 numbers.
Aug 28, 2024I have been working at Al Nisr Publishing for the past 27 years, carried many roles in the entire IT domain and specialized in Information Security, Governance, Risk, Compliance, Project ...
2. Don't Be Bashful About Asking for Help. Many companies and businesses specialize in assisting customers before, during and after a cyber attack&mdashand they serve all levels of clients.
"The biggest concerns include an expanded attack surface and greater exposure to threats like distributed denial of service (DDoS) campaigns, data theft and leaks, third-party vulnerabilities ...
A site used by hackers to expose source code for two of Symantec's enterprise security programs has been hit by two denial of service attacks this week.
Nov 14, 2023This represents a staggering 400% increase in IoT malware attacks compared to the previous year (January to June 2022), and the Mirai and Gafgyt botnets accounted for 66% of all blocked payloads.
Nov 1, 2024Social engineering attacks. Social engineering attacks, especially cybercriminals targeting enterprises with fake overdue invoices, continued to be a big endpoint threat in Q1. This lure is a ...
DDoSattacks continue to dominate the cybersecurity agenda. 2021 saw the largest number of attacks ever launched, with Australia the third most targeted country in application DDoSattacks.
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