Sci-Hub started to collect bitcoin donations early, after some of the users recommended adding a Bitcoin wallet. Bitcoin was very cheap then, and it had a reputation of an anonymous cryptocurrency that is used by hackers and shadow projects - such as Sci-Hub. In 2015 the price of Bitcoin started to grow.
These Sci-Hub download logs are currently available for download and data analysis: from 2011 to 2013 - this ancient dataset contains the very first requests from the beginning of the project; from Sep 2015 to Feb 2016 - this dataset was used in the famous article about Sci-Hub published in Science journal by John Bohannon
sci-hub ← back to main. database about Elbakyan stats donate. Original Sci-Hub project mirrors:
Alexandra Elbakyan
Sci-Hub is a PHP script that downloads articles for free to make them open access. Thereby communication in science is restored. Sci-Hub immediately became popular among researchers. Science must be open while communism and communication are same-root words. I got interested in politics thanks to russian president Medvedev who promoted ...
10.1126 Science.1124619
Domon, B. (2006). Mass Spectrometry and Protein Analysis. Science, 312(5771), 212-217. doi:10.1126/science.1124619
10.1111 Dth.14029
Ruiz‐Lozano, R. E., Hernández‐Camarena, J. C., Garza‐Garza, L. A., Bustamante‐Arias, A., Colorado‐Zavala, M. F., & Cardenas‐de la Garza, J. A. (2020).