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  2. Jan 17, 2025With the genbank parser, you are able to parse a genbank format file, then write into gff3 format. It is also possible to print the DNA sequences extracted from the coding sequences (genes, ffn format), plus the protein fasta sequences (faa format). Additionally, you can create new features and records and save them either in genbank or gff3 format
  3. 4 days agoSee also: mea, wg, submap, litemap, dark-std, btree_experiment, fallible-iterator, fractional_index, indexset, sync42, btree-range-map Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  4. Oct 9, 2024OpenAI Support Able to generate chat completions and embeddings via OpenAI to use an your AI workflows. Token Chunking Able to chunk your text based on a token size. Getting Started Prerequisites. Rust programming language installed. Visit rust-lang.org for installation instructions. You will also need an Async Runtime; we recommend Tokio.
  5. Jan 26, 2025I needed a way to generate random slugs for a web project so thought it was a good opporunity to try out Rust's WebAssembly capabilities while also being able to use the same code as a zero-dependency python module for other projects. Key features. Generates unique random slugs for a input length in words; Fast; Zero dependencies (python and wasm)
  6. Nov 22, 20242,542 downloads per month Used in 4 crates (3 directly). MIT/Apache. 200KB 4.5K SLoC sci-rs. Rust implementation of scientfic processing routines, dominantly mirroring SciPy. Implemented for the intent of use on embedded no_std + alloc, mobile (iOS), and server for translation of post-processed academic research to portable, real-time deployment.. Memory usage is a priority.
  7. Nov 22, 2024mysqlclient-sys. Autogenerated Rust bindings for libmysql-client (#include <mysql.h>)Building. For this crate to build, libmysqlclient must be installed on your system (brew install mysql on macOS, apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev on Ubuntu, included with the server distribution on Windows). Additionally, either pkg-config or mysql_config must be present and able to successfully locate ...
  8. Feb 2, 2025I also wished it to be easyer for people new to Rust to be able to make Apps. As I belive people like projects they can see rendered on their screen more. Hopfully, this project makes some dev happy to keep their Rust app low level. Contributing 💪. Since, this is my first published crate framework, I expect their might be bugs.
  9. Dec 13, 2024To run the WebRTC client demo on Web: (that will be able to communicate with a WebRTC server) 1. cargo install cargo - web // should only need to do this once if you haven't already 2. cargo install cargo - make // should only need to do this once if you haven't already 3. cd / naia / demos / basic / client / wasm_bindgen 4. make serve 5.
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