arkworks/native-gadgets; arkworks/r1cs-gadgets; arkworks/r1cs-circuits; arkworks/setups; arkworks/utils; The previous step will only update the crates themself, but not their dependencies. So, for example, if arkworks/setups depend on arkworks/utils, the dependency version will not be updated. We have to do this manually. Commit all the changes.
The arkworks ecosystem consists of Rust libraries for designing and working with zero knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments (zkSNARKs). This repository contains ark-std , a library that serves as a compatibility layer for no_std use cases, and also contains useful methods and types used by the rest of the arkworks ecosystem.
The arkworks ecosystem consist of Rust libraries for designing and working with zero knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments (zkSNARKs). This repository contains efficient implementations of the key algebraic components underlying zkSNARKs: finite fields, elliptic curves, and polynomials.
The arkworks ecosystem consist of Rust libraries for designing and working with zero knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments (zkSNARKs). This repository contains efficient implementations of the key algebraic components underlying zkSNARKs: finite fields, elliptic curves, and polynomials.