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  2. Aug 1, 2024Bayes+Estimate the Bayesian estimation library for Rust. Bayesian estimation is a probabilistic technique for data fusion. The technique combines a concise mathematical formulation of a system with observations of that system. Probabilities are used to represent the state of a system, likelihood functions to represent their relationships.
  3. 2 days agoIt includes traits for transfomers, models, and an implementation for scalers, and a gaussian Naive Bayesian classifier. lib.rs: rs-ml is a simple ML framework for the Rust language. it includes train test splitting, scalers, and a guassian naive bayes model. It also includes traits to add more transfomers and models to the framework.
  4. Nov 16, 20242,792 downloads per month Used in 5 crates (via sci-rs) . MIT license . 46KB 921 lines. kalman-filter-rs - Kalman filters and other optimal and non-optimal estimation filters in Rust. kalman-filter-rs is a port of the filterpy library and aims to provide Kalman filtering and optimal estimation for Rust.. To learn more about Kalman filters check out Roger R Labbe Jr.'s awesome book Kalman-and ...
  5. Nov 22, 2023Bayesian optimization; Focus on initial guesses search and tools for analysis in general; License. Licensed under MIT. There are gsl-wrapper and gsl-sys crates which are licensed under the GPLv3 identically as GSL itself. This code is part of the repository but is not part of the gomez library. Its purpose is solely for comparison in the ...
  6. v 0.16.0 1.3K no-std # kalman-filter # kalman # linear-algebra # smoothing # bayesian # state # embedded-devices. clingo. Rust idiomatic bindings to the clingo library. v 0.8.0 2.6K # bindings # idiomatic # linking # variables # api-bindings # dynamic # binary. rust-spice. WOW! The complete NASA/NAIF Spice toolkit is actually usable on Rust.
  7. bayesian spam classifier. v 1.1.0 bin+lib # classifier # bayesian # spam. llmvm-codeassist. A LLM-powered code assistant that automatically retrieves context (i.e. type definitions) from a Language Server Protocol server. v 0.2.0 app # language-server # lsp # llm # assistant # language-server-protocol # artificial-intelligence # ai.
  8. Aug 21, 2024$./bracken-h Usage: bracken <COMMAND> Commands: kmer2read-distr bracken kmer2read_distr kmer-distrib Evaluates genome read distribution and estimates reads per species for specific taxonomy IDs. est-abundance Estimates species or genus level abundance from Kraken outputs using Bayesian methods. help Print this message or the help of the given ...
  9. v 1.7.9 bin+lib # bayesian # quantification # haplotype # model # aware # uncertainty-aware # manner. codenano-server. editing DNA molecular designs in a browser. v 0.4.0 app # dna # molecular # design # nucleotide # editing # browser # codenano. ecdna-lib. The ecDNA distribution for the evolutionary of extra-chromosomal DNA (ecDNA)
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