Related: codspeed, codspeed-criterion-compat, cargo-codspeed, codspeed-bencher-compat, codspeed-divan-compat, codspeed-divan-compat-macros See also: divan, criterion, brunch, criterion2, divan-macros, glassbench, criterion-cycles-per-byte, cargo-criterion, tiny-bench, criterion-plot is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.
Installation cargo add--dev codspeed-divan-compat--rename divan [!NOTE] This will install the codspeed-divan-compat crate and rename it to divan in your Cargo.toml.This way, you can keep your existing imports and the compatibility layer will take care of the rest.
$ cargo codspeed build Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.12s Finished built 1 benchmark suite(s) $ cargo codspeed run Collected 1 benchmark suite(s) to run Running my_benchmark Using codspeed-criterion-compat v1.0.0 compatibility layer NOTICE: codspeed is enabled, but no performance measurement will be made since it's running in an ...