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  2. Dec 24, 2024secp256k1, secp256r1, pluto, eris and grumpkin curves, enhancing its usability across a range of cryptographic protocols. Assembly optimizations leading to significantly improved performance. Various features related to serialization and deserialization of curve points and field elements. Curve-specific optimizations and benchmarking capabilities.
  3. Jun 18, 2024Safety. The curve25519-dalek types are designed to make illegal states unrepresentable. For example, any instance of an EdwardsPoint is guaranteed to hold a point on the Edwards curve, and any instance of a RistrettoPoint is guaranteed to hold a valid point in the Ristretto group.. All operations are implemented using constant-time logic (no secret-dependent branches, no secret-dependent ...
  4. v 4.2.2 1.1K no-std # curve25519 # ristretto # cryptography # curve-point # ristretto255 # zero-knowledge-proofs # anonymous-credentials. cryptoxide. pure implementation of various common modern cryptographic algorithms, WASM compatible. v 0.5.0 24K # key-derivation # cryptography # pure # modern # embedded-devices # crypto # authenticated ...
  5. Oct 28, 2024ark-serialize: Efficient interfaces for serialization and point compression for finite fields and elliptic curves; In addition, the curves repository contains concrete implementations of popular elliptic curves; see here for details. Build guide. The library compiles on the stable toolchain of the Rust compiler (v 1.51+).
  6. Dec 8, 2023Schnorrkel implements Schnorr signature on Ristretto compressed Ed25519 points, as well as related protocols like HDKD, MuSig, and a verifiable random function (VRF). Ristretto implements roughly section 7 of Mike Hamburg's Decaf paper to provide the 2-torsion free points of the Ed25519 curve as a prime order group. We ...
  7. Oct 28, 2024ark-serialize: Efficient interfaces for serialization and point compression for finite fields and elliptic curves; In addition, the curves repository contains concrete implementations of popular elliptic curves; see here for details. Build guide. The library compiles on the stable toolchain of the Rust compiler (v 1.51+).
  8. The Rust Documentation for the Hilbert Curve Rust library is available online. However, here are two examples to get started. Index to point. Single dimension integer into a two dimensionals coordinate. let hilbert_curve = HilbertCurveAlgorithm::new(1); // Set the Hilbert order here let point = hilbert_curve.index_to_point(0); // Get the point ...
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