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  2. SciViz is a high-performance data visualization toolkit for Rust. Use SciViz to plot lines, shapes, scatters, meshes, and more with an ergonomic Rust API, built on top wgpu-rs and Bevy. SciViz is focused on enabling simple real-time graphics for simulations, data collection, and big-data analysis. In addition to the Bevy Plugin, SciViz can be ...
  3. 6 days agoElusion is a modern DataFrame / Data Engineering / Data Analysis library that combines the familiarity of DataFrame operations (like those in PySpark, Pandas, and Polars) with the power of SQL query building. It provides flexible query construction without enforcing strict operation ordering, enabling developers to write intuitive and maintainable data transformations.
  4. A data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets. v 3.3.4 700 # visualization # data # data-analytics # streaming # data-analysis # interactive # dataset. flintec_lpp. CLI apps for logging, processing, and plotting load time series from Flintec load cells - DAD 141.1.
  5. 7 days agoA data visualization and analytics component, especially well-suited for large and/or streaming datasets | Rust/Cargo package. Lib.rs › WebAssembly › Perspective # visualization # analytics # dataset # experimental # component # real-time # streaming nightly perspective-viewer
  6. v 0.1.3 # time-series # time-series-analysis # data-analysis # data # data-points # analysis. tmfalloc. Transactional memory-mapped file allocator. v 1.0.1 nightly # transactional-memory # memory # cache # transaction # memory-management # log-file # local. fastdivide. partial port of libdivide. It makes it possible to reduce the cost of divisions.
  7. Statistics, Information Measures, Data Analysis, Linear Algebra, Clifford Algebra, Machine Learning, Geometric Median, Matrix Decompositions, Mahalanobis Distance, Hulls, Multithreading. v 2.1.12 750 # data-analysis # linear-algebra # machine-learning # data-points # statistical-analysis # vector-math # geometric-median. rv.
  8. Nov 10, 2023The generated Rust code follows a structured data analysis workflow: Prepare: Preprocess and clean the data if required. Process: Manipulate the data for analysis (e.g., grouping, filtering, aggregating). Analyze: Conduct the analysis. Output: Return results in various formats. You can modify the generated code to customize your analysis ...
  9. Dec 21, 2024Exon is a library to facilitate open-ended analysis of scientific data, ease the application of ML models, and provide a common data interface for science and engineering teams. Overview. The main interface for users is through datafusion's SessionContext plus the ExonSessionExt extension trait. This has a number of convenience methods for ...
  10. modern DataFrame / Data Engineering / Data Analysis library that combines the familiarity of DataFrame operations (like those in PySpark, Pandas, and Polars) with the power of SQL query building… v 2.8.0 3.1 K bin+lib # dataframe # data-analysis # analysis # engineering # data-transformation # data # query-engine
  11. 3 days agoRust Finance Data Harvest Library. This library includes several modules that extract finance and stock related data from web sites. The main purpose of the library is to retrieve useful data for financial quantitative analysis, and organise it into a data base. Supported Sources of Data. At the moment the following sources of data are supported:
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