The various Fundamentum services are made available through a gRPC interface (see fundamentum-edge-proto repository). In order to be able to use most of the gRPC services (the most notable exception being the Provisioning service), your device will need to be provisioned. In order to do so, a good place to start would be the provisioning procedure.
The Fundamentum's MQTT SDK is designed to quickly set up a Rust environment with an MQTT client, focusing on consuming Fundamentum's MQTT services. Example. To test your environment, you can build and run a simple command-line application. Check out the examples directory for code samples.
Fundamentum Edge Proto Rust
Rust bindings to Fundamentum edge daemon's gRPC IDL files. A library that provides a Rust representation of the basic types, interfaces and other components required to define and interact with the gRPC interface defined by fundamentum-edge-proto. Current direct users: fundamentum-edge-daemon: the actual edge daemon server implementation ...
Used in fundamentum-edge-daemon. Apache-2.0. 47KB 784 lines. Fundamentum SDK API. Rust HTTP client targeting Fundamentum IoT devices RestAPI. Here are some references to the official documentation for the targeted RestAPI: Production API latest; Develop API latest; Getting Started. To get started with the SDK, you'll need to install Rust.
Fundamentum Edge Pwfd. Website | Docs. Port forwarding service for linux edge devices. This is the device side part of a bidirectional bridge established in between a remote proxy port open in the cloud and its actual target port on the device going through both Kafka and MQTT.