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  2. M17 digital radio - high level API, integration with sound cards, serial PTT and TCP/IP ... v 0.1.0 130 # radio # amateur-radio # m17 # ham # amateur # packet-stream # api-integration. chordparser. A parser library to generate Jazz/Pop/Rock chords from string inputs. v 2.1.7 # chord # music-theory # music # parser # midi # music-notation ...
  3. Nov 26, 2024This repository contains driver for the FH101RF tri-band Wake-Up Radio (433MHz, 868/915MHz, 2.4GHz). #+begin_quote The FH101RF RFicient ® Ultra-low Power Wake-Up Receiver is a tri-band receiver for simultaneous reception of OOK modulated signals in the SRD frequency bands 433 MHz, 868 MHz or 915 MHz, and 2.4 GHz, with a sensitivity of ...
  4. Oct 27, 2024See also: rodio, pleezer, dmm, reqwest, reqwest-middleware, soapysdr, rustyo, reqwest-eventsource, audio-codec-algorithms, prometheus-http-query, opensound Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  5. Apr 7, 2024#1357 in Hardware support. MIT/Apache. 42KB 321 lines. vcc-gnd-yd-rp2040 - Board Support for the VCC-GND Studio YD-RP2040. You should include this crate if you are writing code that you want to run on a VCC-GND Studio YD-RP2040 - a PCB for the RP2040 chip with USB-C port, WS2812 RGB LED on GPIO23, user key on GPIO24 and built-in blue LED.. This crate includes the rp2040-hal, but also ...
  6. v 0.1.3 no-std # transceiver # radio # embedded-hal-driver # embedded-hal. max32660. Register mappings for the Analog Devices MAX32660 Cortex-M4 microcontroller. v 0.2.1 180 no-std # analog-devices # micro-controller # svd2rust # arm # cortex-m. weather-utils. Set of common and useful weather-related computations.
  7. radio that uses mpv to play radio streams from publically available internet radiostations. v 1.0.8 1.3K app # radio # mpv # stream # internet # play # station # list. statisk. opinionated static site generator. v 0.2.4 550 app # static-site-generator # opinionated # assets # content. idempotent-proxy-server.
  8. Jan 15, 2024The SoftDevice does time-critical radio processing at high priorities. If its timing is disrupted, it will raise "assertion failed" errors. There's two common mistakes to avoid: (temporarily) disabling the softdevice's interrupts, and running your interrupts at too high priority. These mistakes WILL cause "assertion failed" errors, 100% guaranteed.
  9. Dec 27, 2024See also: renet, surrealcs, bore-cli, ros2-client, bevy_matchbox, aggligator, socketcan, cyphernet, monoio-transports, ironrdp-pdu, maybenot-simulator Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  10. v 0.0.37 150 # sdr # run-time # radio # async # acceleration # runtime # data-processing. async_cache. Async refresh cache. v 0.3.1 8.0K # cache # async # refresh # data # expiration # fetcher # fetch. debounced. building delayed Futures and debounced Streams that wait a given duration before yielding the most recent item

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