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  2. 3 days agoThis is generally recommended, but take care as this is technically a lossy transformation and may be unsuitable for some specific applications. More advanced options can be found by running oxipng --help, or viewed here. Some options have both short (-a) and long (--alpha) forms. Which form you use is just a matter of preference.
  3. Apr 24, 2024--lossy-quality=60 lower values make animations noisier/grainy, but reduce file sizes.--motion-quality=60 lower values cause smearing or banding in frames with motion, but reduce file sizes. If you need to make a GIF that fits a predefined file size, you have to experiment with different sizes and quality settings. The command line tool will ...
  4. v 0.2.1 # 3d # compression # graphics # lossy # gamedev. image_dds. Convert images to and from compressed DDS formats. v 0.7.1 950 # convert-images # image-compression # texture-compression # dds # texture-format # cargo # surface. kittycad-modeling-cmds. Commands in the KittyCAD Modeling API.
  5. Oct 28, 2024Lossy type information. To reason about indirect function calls the tool uses the type information available in the LLVM-IR of the program. This information does not exactly match Rust's type information and leads to mislabeling of functions. For example, consider this program: #![feature(llvm_asm)] #![no_main] #!
  6. Oct 24, 2024Lossy conversion between ANSI Color Codes | Rust/Cargo package. Lib.rs › Command-line interface › anstyle # ansi-colors # color-conversion # ansi # color # terminal-colors # ansi-codes # ansi-term anstyle-lossy Lossy conversion between ANSI Color Codes. Owned by Ed Page, rust-cli. Audit; Install; API reference;
  7. Oct 1, 2024quic transport layer for lossy database connection; Cons no built in back pressure mechanism. possible to cause excessive memory usage if database requests are unbounded or not rate limited; expose lifetime in public type params.(hard to return from function or contained in new types) Features. Pipelining: offer both "implicit" and explicit API.
  8. Dec 12, 2024Bit identical results with libjpeg/libjpeg-turbo will never be an aim of this library. Jpeg is a lossy format with very few parts specified by the standard (i.e it doesn't give a reference upsampling and color conversion algorithm) Features. A Pretty fast 8*8 integer IDCT. Fast Huffman Decoding; Fast color convert functions.
  9. Feb 6, 2024#1270 in Text processing. MIT license . 8KB 71 lines. lines-lossy. This crate provices an extension trait LinesLossyExt, blanketly implemented for any type that implements BufRead.It has a single member function LinesLossyExt::lines_lossy, that works just like BufRead::lines except that in presence of invalid UTF-8 data, it returns a lossy representation of that string, with replacing invalid ...

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