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  2. 3 days agoCredit of the RB Tree's algorithms go for the infamous textbook, Algorithms, 4th Edition by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne. No runtime deps. See also: intrusive-collections, interavl, rust-lapper, normalize_interval, marked-yaml, roaring, iset, linked_hash_set, miniserde, zerotrie, treediff.
  3. Jul 2, 2023rb trim-paf .test/asm_small.paf `#trims back alignments that align the same query sequence more than once` \ | rb break-paf--max-size 100 `#breaks the alignment into smaller pieces on indels of 100 bases or more` \ | rb orient `#orients each contig so that the majority of bases are forward aligned` \ | rb liftover--bed <(printf "chr22\t12000000 ...
  4. rb_tree. This crate contains an implementation of the red-black tree data structure and several data structures that are built on top of this implementation. The data structures currently include RBTree, RBMap, and RBQueue. Data Structures RBTree. This data structure can be used as a set and has methods to support its use as a set.
  5. v 0.9.7 151K no-std # intrusive # rb-tree # list # memory-management # no-std. bit-vec. A vector of bits. v 0.8.0 6.2M no-std # bit # bitmap # data-structures # bitmask. generator. Stackfull Generator Library in Rust. v 0.8.4 940K # stackful-coroutine # coroutine # green # fiber # thread. vec1. a std Vec wrapper assuring that it has at least 1 ...
  6. 2 days ago1,913 downloads per month . MIT license . 405KB 4.5K SLoC csgrs. A Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) library in Rust, built around Boolean operations (union, difference, intersection) on sets of polygons stored in BSP trees.csgrs helps you construct 2D and 3D geometry with an OpenSCAD-like syntax, and to transform, interrogate, and simulate those shapes without leaving Rust.
  7. 7 days agoSee also: tiny_kafka, v_queue, rtrb, arraydeque, slice-ring-buffer, interruptible, disruptor, bbqueue, rcu_cell, ringbuffer-spsc, rusteron-rb Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  8. 7 days agoLow-level MozJPEG bindings for Rust. This crate exposes the raw libjpeg API, so the libjpeg usage manual applies. You'll most likely want to use it via a higher-level API instead:). Many fields in structs are marked as private by default, but if you need to access them, make a pull request marking them pub.. Requirements
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