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  2. Feb 6, 2025See also: cargo-shear, thirdkind, bevy_behave, wavltree, chillup, penumbra-sdk-tct, tiled_parse_tree, dendritic-trees, splay_tree, sweep-bptree Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  3. Number of transitive reverse dependencies (popularity) How often each library crate is used as a dependency in other crates, directly or indirectly. Includes dev, build-time, and optional dependencies. 1 2 ≥5 ≥15 ≥50 ≥100 ≥300 ≥1000 ≥2500 ≥5000 ≥10000 ≥20000 ≥50000 22650. 17233. 9903. 5268. 1807 1584 1006 442
  4. Nov 2, 2024rscap is a multi-purpose library for low-level network packet capture and transmission. Its aims are twofold: To provide Rust-native platform APIs for packet capture and transmission (comparable to libpcap, but written from the ground up in Rust); To expose a robust and ergonomic API for building packets and accessing/modifying packet data fields in various network protocols (like scapy, but ...
  5. Feb 7, 2025lib.rs: . LanceDB is an open-source database for vector-search built with persistent storage, which greatly simplifies retrieval, filtering and management of embeddings.. The key features of LanceDB include: Production-scale vector search with no servers to manage. Store, query and filter vectors, metadata and multi-modal data (text, images, videos, point clouds, and more).
  6. v 1.6.0 250 app # cargo-metadata # graph # graphviz # transitive # create # projects # generate. cargo-info. Extends cargo to query crates.io registry for crates details. v 0.7.7 170 app # info # cargo # cargo-subcommand # subcommand. cargo-packager. Executable packager and bundler distributed as a CLI and library.
  7. Jul 5, 2023As small as it reasonably can be, including transitive dependencies. PRs that pull in dependencies--especially deep dependency trees--are likely to be rejected unless they really pull their weight. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this project by you will be licensed as above (MIT ...
  8. Oct 8, 2024The crate only has a couple of dependencies, and neither of those pull in any transitive dependencies. Current status. The main parsing code is fully implemented. All structures (including attributes) described in Chapter 4 of the JVM spec are supported. The entire modules file of the OpenJDK 16/17/21 distributions can be parsed without errors.
  9. Jan 9, 2025The Cargo binary distributed through with Rust is maintained by the Cargo team for use by the wider ecosystem. For all other uses of this crate (as a binary or library) this is maintained by the Cargo team, primarily for use by Cargo and not intended for external use (except as a transitive dependency). This crate may make major changes to its ...
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