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  2. Dec 24, 2024Related: fixed-type-id-macros See also: typeid, scraps, chlorine, rust_decimal, fixed, bevy-inspector-egui, miniconf, bevy_reflect, reflect, mirror-mirror, mti Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  3. Aug 17, 2024It should be obvious that unlike with the standard library's TypeId, typeid::of::<A>() == typeid::of::<B>() does not mean that A and B are the same type. However, there is a common special case where this behavior is exactly what is needed. If: A is an arbitrary non-'static type parameter, and; B is 'static, and; all types with the same id as B ...
  4. Dec 24, 2024Related: fixed-type-id See also: typeid, mti, transient, typeid_prefix, typeid_suffix, better_any, unique-type-id, strong_id, bevy-inspector-egui, miniconf, bevy_reflect Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of ...
  5. Jan 30, 2025A Rust library that provides stable, cross-platform unique identifiers for types using UUIDs. Installation. Add this to your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] unique-uuid = "0.1.0" Usage Basic Type Tagging use unique_uuid::UniqueTypeTag; #[derive(UniqueTypeTag)] struct MyType; // Get the unique identifier for the type let type_id = MyType::TYPE_TAG ...
  6. Nov 29, 2023For each type the macro is used it tries to find the type name in the types file. If it can find it, it returns it's id, otherwise it returns the available id. Reading tests helps in understanding this. Usage. Add unique-type-id as dependency in your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] unique-type-id = "1" Create a struct or enum and use the trait:
  7. Jan 17, 2024Related: stable-typeid-macro See also: typeid, mti, spirv, derive-new, ulid-generator-rs, tisel, netplan-types, openapi_type, tracker, deltoid, intuple Lib.rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
  8. Mar 24, 2023For each type the macro is used it tries to find the type name in the types file. If it can find it, it returns it's id, otherwise it returns the available id. Reading tests helps in understanding this. Usage. Add unique-type-id as dependency in your Cargo.toml: [dependencies] unique-type-id-derive = "0.2" unique-type-id = "0.2"
  9. Jan 5, 2025By default these types are parsed to string types with additional format information. format: date-time for DateTime and NaiveDateTime and format: date for Date and NaiveDate according RFC3339 as ISO-8601. To override default string representation users have to use value_type attribute to override the type. See docs for more details.
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