172 downloads per month . MIT license . 1MB 22K SLoC. brush. About. brush (Bo(u)rn(e) RUsty SHell) is a POSIX-and bash-compatible shell, implemented in Rust. It's built and tested on Linux and macOS, with experimental support on Windows. (Its Linux build is fully supported running on Windows via WSL.)
See also: shell-words, brush-parser, shell-quote, bashtestmd, brush-core, cicada, procmon-oprs, sha3sum, parallel-sh, cmd-wrapped, hoard-rs is an unofficial list of Rust/Cargo crates, created by kornelski.It contains data from multiple sources, including heuristics, and manually curated data.Content of this page is not necessarily endorsed by the authors of the crate.
Glob . Support for matching file paths against Unix shell style patterns. The glob and glob_with functions allow querying the filesystem for all files that match a particular pattern (similar to the libc glob function). The methods on the Pattern type provide functionality for checking if individual paths match a particular pattern (similar to the libc fnmatch function).