1. It's taken me a while, but I've finally added enough Stars Without Number random tables and generators to Chartopia to feel happy to share them. They can all be improved of course, but I hope fans of the game will appreciate some of tables being digitised (the book is huge and the random tables are in all parts of the book). ...
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  3. swncharactercreator.com

    The Growth and Learning Tables to the right encapsulate the possible abilities their background can confer. ... Instructions and tools for creating player characters in the revised edition of Stars Without Number, a tabletop roleplaying game by Sine Nominee Publishing. Generate a random character, download a completed character sheet, and share ...
  4. chartopia.d12dev.com

    Description (more info) This collection of random tables from Kevin Crawford's Stars Without Number, a sci-fi 'sandbox' adventure game set in the vast expanse of humanity's fallen empire.. If you're a fan of Stars Without Number, be sure to purchase the complete revised edition at DriveThruRPG.. These tables have been added with permission from Kevin Crawford and will be added to over time.
  5. In case anyone finds them useful, I got permission to add the Stars Without Number random tables and generators to Chartopia (just the SWN free edition content). The geneators can all be improved of course, but I hope fans of the game will appreciate some of tables being digitised (the book is huge and the random tables are in all parts of the ...
  6. Ship Malfunctions Table by ash from Stars Without Number discord; Aliens. FTL Species Without Number with PC foci by NotDaedalus from Stars Without Number discord; Gear. Additional Weapons List by u/mrsarkasm [Direct Link] Additional Equipment Modes by u/dicemonger; Small list of Ranged Weapons and grenades by u/Nabaal_from_up_north [Direct ...
  7. chartopia.d12dev.com

    All tables taken from Stars Without Number Revised Addition By Kevin Crawford From Sine Nomine Publishing. Citation. By Kevin Crawford From Sine Nomine Publishing. Roll. ... Stars Without Number" Subcharts. World Tags (1d116) Problems (d20) Adventure Seeds (d100) Conflict Type (1d40) Pstats (2d6) Planet Names (d562)
  8. fantasygrounds.com

    Stars Without Number I am new to MoreCore, but I dove in and created a SWN character sheet when I couldn't find one. My group used it for the first session and it appears to work well. ... SWN-Tables: Worldmaking charts from Core Book Attached Files. SWN-Rules.mod (206.5 KB, 124 views) SWN-Rolls.mod (76.0 KB, 119 views)
  9. infinitestarsmagazine.blogspot.com

    Stars Without Number: Solo-Play Rules by Dave Cooper. Art by David Reddington. ... Some have long-reaching effects, see Table for details. 1-3 (8) Options 4-6 (9) Healing. 7. Event. Roll on Event Table. Events may affect the whole group, or just an individual. Some have long-reaching effects, see Table for details. 1-2 (8) ...
  10. d7.pipemaze.com

    Stars Without Number. Expanded Table of Contents Into the Waiting Night 1; Character Creation 3. Summary of Character Creation 4; Attributes 6; Skills 7. Skill List 8; Choosing a Background 9. ... Converting First Edition Stars Without Number 236; House Rules and the Game 237; Name Generators 238; One-Roll NPCs 244; One-Roll Patrons 245; One ...
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