Parapa Palace
Leave the North Palace by going either left or right. Follow the path northward to the lone forest square. Battle through the enemies here and you'll find a Point Bag worth 50 experience points, allowing you to level up and upgrade your health. Leave the forest and follow the pathway to the southeast to find the Town of Rauru. ~ Rauru Town ~
Midoro Palace
Go east into the woods and use the map to find Bagu's house. Action scenes full of Megmats surround his house, though. Go inside his house and talk to him.With that done, go to the Water Town of Saria.On the way south, enter the lone forest and grab the Point Bag.
Island Palace
(Click image below to view a full-sized map of the Palace) As usual, enter the palace and go down the elevator. You'll encounter two new enemies right away: A Doomknocker and Armored Stalfos.Doomknockers give loads of damage by throwing axes at you.
Maze Palace
~ Town Of Nabooru ~ Talk to any elderly women or ladies when they come out of their houses to get any life and/or magic restored if needed. At the beginning of the second part of town, a lady in a red dress will come out of her house thirsty. Go a little past her house and press the button to get some water at the fountain. Talk to her again and go inside.
Hidden Palace
~ Discovering The Hidden Palace ~ Walk along the mountains on the west side of the swamp area and you'll come across an action scene. It has an extra life, which will come in handy shortly.Go all the way to the desert area and play the flute in the center of the three rocks.The Hidden Palace will appear right in front of you before your eyes!. Before you go in, I recommend you level up at ...
Great Palace
Link takes it and returns to North Palace… With all three parts of the Triforce, Zelda awakens and calls Link a real hero. The curtains will then lower on the two, showing only their legs. The credits will then begin to roll. Congratulations, you just beat one of the hardest Zelda titles to date, The Adventure of Link!