Duanesburg NY
Human Resources
The Human Resources Department is responsible for all of the town's Civil Service functions including hiring and termination procedures and works with the Schenectady County Human Resources Office to ensure the town's compliance with New York State Civil Service rules.
Town Court
The Town of Duanesburg Court has two Town Justices, Judge Wren & Judge Casso, each elected to a four year term of office. The Court handles matters related to traffic violations, small claims, civil summonses, summary proceedings, Town Code violations, and criminal matters.
Building Department
Welcome to the Town of Duanesburg Code Enforcement website. Our main responsibility is to assist people in the Town of Duanesburg in complying with the zoning codes and regulations of the municipality and enforcement of the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Codes. Staff Contacts. Name
Contacts Directory
Contacts Directory - Duanesburg NY
Town Code
Local Law No. 4 of 2018 - Fees Required From Non-Residents Reserving Town of Duanesburg Facilities in Town Parks. Local Law No. 3 of 2018 - Amending the Zoning Map of the Town of Duanesburg to Re-Zone Tax Map Parcel No. 66.00-4-2.31 From C-2 (Commercial and Light Industrial) to R-1 (High-Density Residential), excepting a small portion of the ...
Minutes & Agendas
5853 Western Turnpike, Duanesburg, New York 12056 | Phone: (518) 895-8920 Monday - Thursday: 8am to 4pm (*closed: 12pm to 1pm) Friday - 8:00am to 12pm.