Washington County Maine
Registry of Deeds
Contact Us: Mailing: Washington County Registry of Deeds | P. O. Box 297 | Machias, ME 04654 Physical: 85 Court Street | Machias, Maine Phone: 207-255-6512 | Fax: 207-255-3838 To search land records/ [email protected] click here. Download these forms: Instructions to Transfer Tax Form
Government - Washington County Maine - The Sunrise County of Maine
Business & Economy
The Washington County Development authority was established by the Second regular Session of the 120 th Maine Legislature as Chapter 568 of the Laws of Maine 2001. The authority was established in response to the need to create a state entity that could take title to the former Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station in cutler, Maine from ...
Visit Washington County
The Washington County Historical and Genealogical Society is a group dedicated to historical preservation and genealogical research in Washington County, Maine. By working together historical societies, genealogists, and researchers can pool their limited resources, collaborate on larger scale projects, and promote each other's work.
Projects - Washington County Maine - The Sunrise County of Maine
Contacts - Washington County Maine - The Sunrise County of Maine