Try DuckDuckGo Search.
It’s fast, private, and free!

Set As Your Browser’s Search Engine
Trusted by tens of millions worldwide!

Want even more protection?

Learn how our desktop and mobile browsers can protect you beyond search.

The DuckDuckGo browser is only available on Windows and Mac operating systems

See how DuckDuckGo compares.

Search privately by default

Chat privately with popular AI chatbots (optional)

Blocks 3rd-party trackers from Facebook, Google, and others

Blocks tracking ads

Blocks cookie pop-ups

Plays YouTube videos without targeted ads

Blocks email trackers

Deletes browsing data with one button

Removes personal details from sites that sell them

Helps restore your identity

Protects your connection with a VPN





Browser comparisons were made with default settings. Information is correct as of October 2024

Protection. Privacy. Peace of mind.
Get the browser built for data protection, not data collection.

The DuckDuckGo browser is available on

Take back control of your personal information.

Hidden trackers lurk on 85% of popular websites. We actively block them by default, helping you evade hackers, scammers, and data-hungry companies.

Block most ads & cookie pop-ups for fewer interruptions.

Our tracker blocking stops most ads before they even appear, letting you enjoy your favorite content with less hassle. We spot cookie pop-ups right away and, where possible, opt you out automatically, so you won’t even see them.

Data protection, not data collection.

We believe the best way to protect your data is to stop it from being collected at all. We never track your searches, and our browsing protections help stop other companies from collecting your data.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Trusted by tens of millions worldwide!

  • 100%


  • 3 Billion

    Monthly Searches

  • 6 Million

    Monthly Downloads

Get the free all-in-one privacy app for mobile


1.8 million ratings


2.1 million reviews

Still have questions?

At DuckDuckGo, we believe the best way to protect your personal information from hackers, scammers, and privacy-invasive companies is to stop it from being collected at all. That's why millions of people choose DuckDuckGo over Chrome and other browsers to search and browse online. Our built-in search engine is like Google but never tracks your searches. And our browsing protections, such as ad tracker blocking and cookie blocking, help stop other companies from collecting your data. Oh, and our browser is free — we make money from privacy-respecting search ads, not by exploiting your data. Take back control of your personal information with the browser designed for data protection, not data collection. Learn more