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It's fast, private, and free!

  • Always Private

  • Relevant Results

  • Fewer Ads

Set As Your Browser’s Search Engine
Trusted by tens of millions worldwide!

Want even more protection?

Learn how our desktop and mobile browsers can protect you beyond search.

The DuckDuckGo browser is only available on Windows and Mac operating systems

Switch to the DuckDuckGo browser and get more privacy, for free.

Searches are private by default

Blocks 3rd-party trackers

Blocks tracking ads

Blocks cookie pop-ups

Plays YouTube videos without targeted ads

Blocks email trackers

Deletes browsing data with one button

Learn more about our protections

Web Tracking Protection

Stop creepy tracking from Facebook and Google.

DuckDuckGo's powerful tracker blocking, in our browser and extension, helps stop privacy-invasive companies from collecting your personal information.

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Search Protection

Search without being tracked.

Other search engines track your every search, from where you go to what you buy. We don't track your search history. Ever.

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Email Protection

Intercept and remove email trackers.

85% of emails sent through Duck Addresses contained hidden email trackers before we stripped them out. Email Protection zaps most trackers and forwards email to your regular inbox so you can read in peace.

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It's a myth that companies need to track you to make money.

The DuckDuckGo browser and search engine have been free to use since day one. We make money from privacy-respecting ads, not by exploiting your data. When you search for “car” we show you a car ad — it's that simple.

See how we make money

Get the same Internet, but with more protection.

Trusted by tens of millions worldwide!

  • 100%


  • 3 Billion

    Monthly Searches

  • 6 Million

    Monthly Downloads

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2.1 million reviews

The company best known for its search engine is launching a new set of tools aimed at creating an ‘easy button’ for protecting your data online.

WIRED MagazineLogo for WIRED MagazineRead article on WIRED Magazine

Tackling email privacy has been a major goal for DuckDuckGo, as the company pushes for privacy-friendly methods for various online tasks.

The VergeLogo for The VergeRead article on The Verge

It doesn’t allow targeted advertising, results are not based on your search history, and you’ll see fewer ads based on your search. It’s easy to use and install, too.

USA TodayLogo for USA TodayRead article on USA Today

The 13-year-old company appears to be in a prime position to fulfill internet users’ increasing desire for privacy in an age of data leaks, breaches and scandals.

CNETLogo for CNETRead article on CNET

Still have questions?

At DuckDuckGo, we believe the best way to protect your personal information from hackers, scammers, and privacy-invasive companies is to stop it from being collected at all. That's why millions of people choose DuckDuckGo over Chrome and other browsers to search and browse online. Our built-in search engine is like Google but never tracks your searches. And our browsing protections, such as ad tracker blocking and cookie blocking, help stop other companies from collecting your data. Oh, and our browser is free — we make money from privacy-respecting search ads, not by exploiting your data. Take back control of your personal information with the browser designed for data protection, not data collection. Learn more