Open Collective
Create a Collective
Create and manage sustainable communities with Open Collective by collecting and spending money transparently.
Open Collective is a platform where communities can collect and disburse money transparently, to sustain and grow their projects. Who is Open Collective for? Open Collective is great for collaborative groups, like meetups, open-source projects, and more —and for those who want to support them.
How It Works
Open Collective uniquely combines a powerful tech platform with fiscal hosting, enabling Collectives to raise and spend money without legally incorporating, worrying about taxes, or opening a bank account. More about fiscal hosting. About how fiscal hosting works. About becoming a fiscal host.
Each Collective gets its own fundraising page; No more messy spreadsheets! It's all automated, and your accountant will thank you; Manually add funds from other channels, accurately tracking all budgets
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Become a Sponsor
The Fiscal Host of the Collective you want to support is an established legal entity who can engage with your vendor systems and purchase order processes, and meet documentation requirements like tax forms and signing agreements.