1. events.stanford.edu

    Nov 17, 2023Program Video Event Photos *Click on a photo, then click the [x] on the top right-hand corner of the log-in window to close it. The photos will open up in the web browser. In 2020, Stanford University removed monuments to zoologist and geologist Louis Agassiz and his student, university president David Starr Jordan, in response to community concern over their role in eugenics, but there has ...
  2. historicalsociety.stanford.edu

    Murphy Halliburton is a professor of anthropology at Queens College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York as well as an alumnus of Stanford University and Palo Alto's Lewis M. Terman Middle School.
  3. events.stanford.edu

    Nov 15, 2024Watch program video View event photos *No log-in is required. Close any Facebook log-in pop-up window by clicking the "x" on the top-right hand corner and you will be able to browse the collection of photos. To view any photo in close-up, click on its thumbnail. The Stanford University into which 17-year-old John Steinbeck matriculated in September 1919 was a deeply but somewhat ...
  4. biology.stanford.edu

    Abstract: California was at the forefront of the eugenics movement nationally and internationally in the 20th century. This talk explores this history, with attention to the overlapping dimensions of xenophobia, environmentalism, and heteronormativity. It will share research findings from the Sterilization and Social Justice Lab on demographic patterns and social experiences of eugenic ...
  5. stanfordmag.org

    To the Los Angeles juvenile authorities in 1923, Edward Dmytryk was an ordinary runaway trying to escape a vicious father who tore up his schoolbooks and clubbed him with a two-by-four. Mr. Dmytryk wanted his 14-year-old son back—if only, as the caseworker suspected, because Edward brought home vital income.. While the authorities deliberated, a letter arrived from Professor Lewis Terman ...
  6. historicalsociety.stanford.edu

    Program video Event photos Stanford Report article on the presentation. University speech is front page news. But academic freedom didn't always exist. Its roots lie in 19th century Germany.
  7. plato.stanford.edu

    "Eugenics" is a term loaded with historical significance and a strong negative valence. Its literal meaning - good birth - suggests a suitable goal for all prospective parents, yet its historical connotations tie it to appalling policies, including forced sterilizations, selective breeding programs in North America and Asia, and horrifying concentration camps and mass exterminations in ...
  8. pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

    I n this special issue devoted to the study of pigmentation, it is only fitting that we reflect on how this trait has been utilized to promote specific political and social agendas in both the United States and Europe. It was Francis Galton, a cousin of Darwin, who coined the term "eugenics" in 1883 while advocating that society should promote the marriage of what he felt were the fittest ...
  9. laneguides.stanford.edu

    Sep 6, 2023David Starr Jordan served as the founding President of Stanford University, 1891-1913. He also championed eugenics, including the publication of such works as his 1901 The Blood of the Nation: A Study in the Decay of Races by the Survival of the Unfit. Image courtesy of the Stanford Special Collections and University Archives

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