Battle Lode Runner is a puzzle-platform game based on the Lode Runner series of games, originally released for the NEC PC Engine by Hudson Soft in 1993. It was released in Japan on May 29, 2007 and also released in the North American and European regions for the first time in April the same year for the Wii Virtual Console. It is also the first game originally released only in Japan to be available on the Virtual Console for another region.Wikipedia
BattleLodeRunner is a puzzle-platform game based on the LodeRunner series of games, originally released for the NEC PC Engine by Hudson Soft in 1993. It was released in Japan on May 29, 2007 and also released in the North American and European regions for the first time in April the same year for the Wii Virtual Console.It is also the first game originally released only in Japan to be ...
In BattleLodeRunner's Puzzle Mode, you guide the lone runner through a series of puzzle/action stages. Each level is laid out with bricks, ladders, ropes and gold bars. Collecting each bit of ...
This upgraded edition to the famous "LodeRunner" series includes a 5 player versus mode. A large amount of gold has been stolen from the Time Machine Research Center, and the group responsible has used a time machine to escape and hide the gold throughout time.
In BattleLodeRunner's Puzzle Mode, you guide the lone runner through a series of puzzle/action stages. Each level is laid out with bricks, ladders, ropes and gold bars. Collecting each bit of ...
In BattleLodeRunner's Puzzle Mode, you guide the lone runner through a series of puzzle/action stages. Each level is laid out with bricks, ladders, ropes and gold bars. Collecting each bit of ...
BattleLodeRunner, an upgraded edition to the famous LodeRunner series, includes a five-player versus mode for multiplayer LodeRunner action. Content Rating. Developers.
Description of BattleLodeRunner. If you haven't played BattleLodeRunner or want to try this action video game, download it now for free! Published in 1993 by Hudson Soft Company, Ltd., BattleLodeRunner (aka バトルロードランナー) was an above-average platform title in its time.
Originally released only in Japan on the PC Engine (TurboGrafx-16), BattleLodeRunner is a sequel to LodeRunner and its major draw is a 5 player mode. Players move around several platforms collecting gold. Various enemies inhabit the levels, and the player, armed with a drill, attempts to drill holes to capture the enemies.
INTRODUCTION BattleLodeRunner is a more than satisfactory extension of LodeRunner proper, not necessarily for the battle subgame, but for some interesting small levels and some small tweaks to the AI that make for a few extra puzzles. It features 10 groups of 10 levels with a final one, each with a theme from a certain historic period or, in ...