2016. SNCF wins the Trophée de la Diversité ® for its serious game ProDiversité and the Trophée RSE for its Hantrain programme. 2015. SNCF wins the Trophée de la Diversité ® for its Manager's Diversity and Gender Balance Kit. 2014. SNCF adopts an action plan on Generation Contracts, an initiative for hiring seniors
Fret SNCF offers you transport suited to your requirements: complete trains, single wagons or groups of wagons. Today, 90% of the scrap metals we transport use the SOLO single-wagon solution.
the sncf group in figures… 201,742 group employees in 2006 (excluding employees of companies consolidated by the equity method) 21.9 billion euros in group turnover,
3 PRESS RELEASE These initiatives will be rolled out in stages: • Starting in 2014, every customer will have access to real-time multimodal information for all passenger rail services. • Starting in 2015, two million passengers will enjoy door-to-door travel options, rising to nearly all SNCF customers by 2020. To deliver these made-to-measure services, all of the affected business lines ...