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You may see financial data appear in your search results if it’s particularly relevant to your search terms. Equities, ETFs and Indicies data are provided by Refinitiv. Currency conversion data is provided by XE.

Exchange Code Exchange Market Quote Delay Source
NASDAQ NASDAQ 15 minutes*  
NYSE NYSE 15 minutes*  
  S&P 500 index 15 minutes* S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC; S&P Opco, LLC (together “S&P”); Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.
  Dow Jones Industrial Average index 15 minutes* S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC; S&P Opco, LLC (together “S&P”); Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc.
  S&P/TSX Composite Index 15 minutes* TSX Inc.
  FTSE 100 index 15 minutes* FTSE International Limited; London Stock Exchange Group plc (“LSE Group”)
  DAX 40 index 15 minutes* Deutsche Börse AG
  CAC 40 index 15 minutes* Euronext AG
  Euronext 100 index 15 minutes* Euronext AG

* Delay applies during trading hours only. Outside of trading hours, financial data reflects close of previous trading session.

Terms and Disclaimers

Index values are provided with at least 15 minutes delay.

Index values are provided “as-is” without warranties of any kind. DuckDuckGo does not verify any data and expressly disclaims any obligation to do so. DuckDuckGo and its data providers, the financial exchanges and each of their affiliates are not responsible for any errors or delay in the index values.

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Index values are subject to copyright and other intellectual property protections. They are not in the public domain. The financial exchanges and other third- party providers own the indexes, index values, and all associated intellectual property rights, as well as their respective trademarks. You should not deface or remove any trademarks or copyright or other proprietary notices transmitted with the index values.

You can use the index values only for your personal, non-professional use. You cannot sell them, publish them, or otherwise distribute them. You are not allowed to copy or store the index values or create any derivative works from the index values. You are also not allowed to misrepresent the index values to other people or use the index values for any illegal purpose.

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All data © Refinitiv, 2021. The Refinitiv logo and Refinitiv are trademarks of Refinitiv and its affiliated companies in the United States and other countries and used herein under license.

S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC

© S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC 2022. All rights reserved. S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, S&P Opco, LLC, and/or their licensors own the indexes and the index values, and all intellectual property rights therein, including, without limitation, any patent, trade secret, copyright, and trademark rights (whether or not such rights are registered).


Quotes in Canadian dollars.


All rights in the FTSE 100 index (the “Index”) vest in the relevant LSE Group company which owns the Index. “FTSE 100®” is a trade mark(s) of the relevant LSE Group company and is used by any other LSE Group company under license.

The Index is calculated by or on behalf of FTSE International Limited Income, LLC or its affiliate, agent or partner. The LSE Group does not accept any liability whatsoever to any person arising out of the use of, reliance on or any error in the Index. The LSE Group makes no claim, prediction, warranty or representation as to the suitability of the Index for the purpose to which it is being put by DuckDuckGo.


2022 Euronext N.V. All Rights Reserved. The information, data, and analysis contained herein (i) include the proprietary information of Euronext and its content providers, (ii) may not be copied or further disseminated except as specifically authorized by Euronext, (iii) do not constitute investment advice, (iv) are provided solely for informational purposes and (v) are not warranted to be complete, accurate or timely.

XE Currency Conversion

Data provided by Inc. The data is for personal informational use only. You may not store, modify, reproduce, sell, disclose, distribute, publish, modify or otherwise exploit the data for any other purpose. The data may not be used for the purpose of trading securities by professional traders. All use of the data must comply with applicable laws. The data is provided as-is, there is no guarantee as to its accuracy or timeliness, and your use of the data is at your own risk. By accessing the data, you agree to comply with the XE Terms and conditions detailed at

Prior versions on GitHub.