As required by the EU Platform to Business Regulation, this page contains information about how DuckDuckGo Search and AI-Assisted answers rank results and whether we apply differentiated treatment to our own products and services compared to those offered by other online services.
We do not apply any differentiated treatment in our search result rankings to services offered by DuckDuckGo.
DuckDuckGo Search result pages consists of three sections: (1) Instant Answers; (2) organic links with images and other modules intertwined; and (3) sponsored links.
Instant Answers
Most DuckDuckGo Search result pages feature one or more Instant Answers on top. To deliver Instant Answers on specific topics, DuckDuckGo leverages many sources, like Sportradar and Wikipedia. We also use our own indexes for some Instant Answers.
Organic Links
Most organic links and images in our search results are sourced from Bing. Information about how Bing ranks its content can be found on its Support Page in the section titled “How Bing Ranks Search Results”. When DuckDuckGo applies its own ranking signals to organic links, we do so in a neutral manner, for example, we do not take into account any particular political bias or leanings of websites in our search result rankings. Please see our News Rankings Help Page for further information.
Like all search engines, we try to rank egregious spam lower in our search results, and in the rare situation that DuckDuckGo alters the ranking order of organic links or avoids a particular organic link, you may request further information by contacting Subject to applicable law, you may have the right to inspect the contents of any relevant third-party notification or request to alter the ranking order or avoid an organic link.
We also display ads adjacent to search results, as explained in our Help Page on How DuckDuckGo Makes Money. Outside of these clearly labelled ads, DuckDuckGo does not accept compensation to influence search result rankings. We also provide information about advertising on DuckDuckGo through our Help Page on Advertise on DuckDuckGo Search.
AI-Assisted Answers
DuckDuckGo generates AI-assisted answers to search queries by anonymously summarizing web content. To generate AI-assisted answers, Web sources are primarily selected based on relevancy to the query in a neutral manner. When selecting Web sources, we do not take into account the particular political bias or leanings of sources. We also do not prioritize our own products and services or accept compensation to influence the sources we cite.
Like all search engines, we try to avoid egregious spam in our sources, and in the rare situation that DuckDuckGo avoids a particular source, you may request further information by contacting
Date of Publication: August 18, 2023
Date of Last Update: March 20, 2025
Prior versions on GitHub.